Example sentences of "get [det] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going for a tank stopping unit , look out , get that window down boy
2 Oh yes , you get that , you get that kind of mimicry , but again you 'd expect it in , in , in both sexes I should think , unless it just happens that males for example normally are bigger and then it 's taken on a , a secondary characteristic which is a possibility .
3 I do n't know of any other event where you get that kind of pressure and you just ca n't simulate that .
4 Manager Alan Murray said : ‘ You get that type of blow when things are not going well .
5 So wherever you get that sort of question just stop and think
6 Now that very often , you get that sort of individual , their attitude could at some or other be detrimental to their standard of driving .
7 But what happens if we get that sort of period again ?
8 I do n't feel like one , but I 'm supposed to be , well , a physical scientist , so you get that sort of identity thrown at you .
9 And bearing in mind when you get that sort of weather , the separation distance has to be double .
10 So I get that sort of thing now .
11 Yeah so erm yeah so if you get that sort of thing and then you can in some way either get people to discuss or get them to fill in a questionnaire about it or something of the sort I mean that 's er the format that y'know kind of er seems to work quite well for final year projects anyway er generally speaking with other stuff so er yeah that 's that 's do-able .
12 It 's simply to make the letters bigger and try and get some sense of flow
13 Some want to invest in the island and get some kind of tourism going . ’
14 Funerals are very valuable politically , and then you usually get a kind of a shake down , you get some kind of group — in the Communist countries it 's the polit bureau .
15 Gaybours everybody needs a gaybour get some money for petrol I 'll be round the town later on
16 And while two-thirds of older people get some form of home care assistance , dissatisfaction with restrictive services is common .
17 if you it depends on what you do I mean if you 're generating quantitative material , you know , if you get some sort of scale ratings of things like sort of estimates of how , how frequently they dream
18 But it does need cleari , unless we get some sort of consensus , and it behove you to say look this is
19 He hands me a billy and suggests I get some snow for water and a few twigs to start the fire .
20 You get some lemonade with cyanide in it and some Coke with cyanide in and see what she drinks .
21 It 's just that I ca n't bear to see someone like you , Ruth , made miserable so worthlessly , and until you get some feeling of respect for yourself you 're never going to snap out of it , and you 'll go on being used as a doormat .
22 That 's right , it 's just that I worked , I think , yesterday I could n't get into erm , I just could n't get into and yesterday I must admit I felt really rough and erm , I thought at three o'clock I was going to have to ring Iris , cos I knew you were still out you see and at three o'clock I thought I was going to have to ring Iris er just to come in cos I ca n't like your head was my stomach was churning over , it was n't till , soon as I get some food in front of me oh I get , you see I did n't feel too cracking in the morning and I thought well there 's lots of stomach bugs going about and I thought well I 'm having one of them , and I did n't know what I fancied for lunch and I cooked the kiddies theirs , they had fish and what have you , and erm , I thought well what can I have , I thought I what , I thought I got a little tin of salmon there , so I thought right I 'll have a salmon sandwich and I had that and believe me I felt , by three o'clock I could see myself picking me up off the floor , I only got spots before my eyes as such , but , I just had , I had four , five cups of water , I did n't drink any tea , and I wish then , well I do n't know whether I could have felt any worse when I had the sandwich or not to be honest .
23 Get another burst of publicity in the second week , and the show would be fine .
24 So there you ar Now then we get another kind of job .
25 Secondly , I get another dollop of money , if I can put it like this , for Home Care right across the county .
26 Get another litre of whisky ; it 's the second archway on the left .
27 Well I , I might just block it off get another piece of wood and put it in there and just nail that fucking lot up and block off completely , otherwise Nick 's , if Nicholas is playing in the garden he 'll be out of there like a shot , so you 're gon na get one post there , say one in the middle and one at the end .
28 At first I was angry at him , frightened for him , but now suddenly I get this rush of joy , watching him race out there into the cold level space of the stilled river , free and warm and vivacious in that smoothed and frozen silence .
29 erm In some countries they 're run through the state and in others through insurance associations or insurance groups , so that you get this kind of difference .
30 Let's hope that by the time you get this issue of Machine Knitting Monthly , the weather has cheered up and you 're thinking of summer holidays .
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