Example sentences of "'s [vb pp] [prep] the last " in BNC.

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1 After all , this hundred young women have all benefited from the open , healthy , society that 's developed over the last few decades , or have they ?
2 They 'd probably be better off on the erm soft going tonight , but erm in the past few results erm it 's been evenly balanced Peter , you know , but every trap 's won in the last two or three meetings .
3 because it 's come out a lot in this discussion that is there 's a big gap between the biological , biological and medical knowledge that 's accrued in the last ten or fifteen years , and the actual social consequences of these developments and there has n't been enough discussion and consideration of what will happen .
4 This is not going to disappear overnight , it 's going to affect her for a long time , and she 's never going to catch up on the work that she 's missed over the last couple of months by having seven teachers in six weeks .
5 They are , they 're guesses , they 're using the current mean of three hundred and fifty one , erm , and then tilting that according to the seasonality er that 's shown over the last five years .
6 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
7 ‘ What 's happened in the last 10 years and is accelerating very fast is the fact the women are taking less time off ’ , says Michaels .
8 He said : ‘ What 's happened in the last 24 hours has been unbelievable .
9 And if I may Mr chairman , something that 's happened in the last few days , that 's er evident that er the been the first satellite survey in this country ever which is now beginning to show to the nation , just in fact the damage that roads have been doing and that there 's in fact now some suggestion from government that they may be rethinking some elements of these roads , because the environmental impact has not really been taken into account as effectively before .
10 But there is a new situation emerging because the speakers on the opposite side seem to have forgotten what 's happened in the last two years in Eastern Europe and the European map is getting wider .
11 Mainly for where it 's lived for the last three or four years I think .
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