Example sentences of "before [pron] went [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was changing , of course , before I went to the Meeting House .
2 This happened just before I went to the first gay liberation meeting in London .
3 Well it , it was n't funny that day before I went to the that ear
4 no , no , no this is the minute which was posted to you before I went to the States
5 Well aware of the undertaking he added ‘ The day before I went for a load of beers to prepare for the ordeal . ’
6 An event that stands out occurred at Easter 1922 , just before I went into the Boys ' School .
7 I did n't think before I went into the recruiting office and became a marine , and I did n't think now .
8 I am particularly afraid of strange dentists , so before I went into the RAF I made sure my teeth were in order .
9 I wo n't read it all out , but it was given to me before I went into the Air Force .
10 I took them off before I went through the floor into the dock . ’
11 Before I went through the door , I looked back — at all the life that existed only here in the Star Zoo , and in no other place in all the Galaxy !
12 Fortunately an assistant stopped mew before I went through the roof .
13 Before I went in the ring , I had to spend half a day just cooling down my adrenaline .
14 That 's before I went in the army .
15 Well it was a wee bit under because I was only an office clerk , I , I was n't the junior but by then had come there and there were other , other clerks , some girls who 'd come into the office and I 'd got a little bit of step up you see and took over a little bit more important work , erm , I did just before I went in the Army have a dabble at erm running times , that was preparing the schedules for buses .
16 It finished 'is boxin'. 'E was goin' ter fight fer a title before 'e went in the army . ’
17 Did Mary Antoinette sign anything before she went to the guillotine , I wondered .
18 She 's bright — she was at Bristol University before she went to the secretarial college .
19 However , in 1989 things started to go all wrong as she developed a hook in the very week before she went to the English at Burnham and Berrow Much of the season , by her high standards , was bitterly disappointing but , by dint of " plugging away " , she began to rediscover her form during the week of the English Intermediate won by Lora Fairclough .
20 ‘ She must have planned it before she went to the hospital . ’
21 When she had finished hanging out the washing , before she went for the weekly shop at SavaCentre , Sara applied her lipstick , and around her throat she squirted the toilet water which she had had for three years and never before used .
22 You must have decided to follow her before she went into the school grounds , because otherwise you would n't have opted out of the swimming .
23 she may have been unconmscious before she went into the water .
24 She had to get her before she went through the gates and she was thankful for the bright moonlight .
25 She did n't answer : Nick saw in her face the struggle she always had with herself before she went in the water .
26 Yes ; and that 's what it was ; a badge of manhood ; because you sensed that before you went into the mine , because you were wearing the moleskin trousers .
27 Er one time the locksmiths had a rise from ni eighteen , twenty to twenty-one a man , it was a big rise but the locksmiths ' union they altered it from to twenty and a half , twenty-one , twenty-one and a half , three rises before you went from a lad to a man 's raise , you know .
28 My parents often mentioned their remorse , I was speaking so well before we went to the Russian Orthodox Easter Service .
29 Sweetheart , I told Mother I was falling in love with you long before we went to the island .
30 And erm it was our turn to feed them before we went to the farm every morning you see .
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