Example sentences of "room on the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bob cried as he wandered into the make up room on the first day .
2 Inside , the Richards lined many of the rooms with wainscots and the big bolection moulded panels of the time , mostly in the fashionable white wood , save for an oak room on the first floor .
3 A few minutes later he went to a room on the first floor to take a blood test .
4 The building was sanctioned by Oldrado da Tresseno in his capacity as the city governor , and the city 's chief magistrate sat in the huge room on the first floor flanked by two judges who adjudicated for the civil and criminal trials .
5 The present kitchen was the cowbyre and the room on the first floor , now a bedroom , was the loft and approached from the gallery .
6 Who would dust now , clean the bath , hoover the carpets , now that Franca did n't mount higher than the drawing room on the first floor ?
7 The office was a large room on the first floor equipped with a desk on which perched three phones in different colours .
8 The armourers all slept in a long room on the first floor , with J. in a small room to himself at the end , and it so happened that Matthew occupied the corresponding small room immediately underneath on the ground floor .
9 Today he heard screams coming from Mary Duncan 's room on the first floor as soon as he entered the house .
10 A bandage round his head , a cup of tea in his blunt hands , he looked like the only survivor of some great catastrophe , and Nathan could understand exactly why he 'd been able to move India-May to tears and why he 'd been given a room on the first floor , one of the large ones , for nothing .
11 Wayne showed him to a room on the first floor , at the front of the building .
12 The CID team will have a large open-plan office on the first floor and another room on the first floor can be used for major incidents .
13 The double room on the first floor 's vacant ! "
14 The preparations for The Human Angle , Dyson discovered , were going forward in a room on the first floor furnished with a sea-blue fitted carpet , a number of discreetly abstract paintings , and a walnut sideboard .
15 The room on the first floor of Meadowbanks , Viola Machin 's house , in which Mr Kronweiser plied his research was very tiny indeed .
16 So he started work in the office and showroom , a long narrow room on the first floor with windows that looked out onto the street , with shelves filled with lines of business machines , computers , word processors , the screens flickering as Lewis , Barnett 's other assistant , experimented with them .
17 It belonged to a room on the first floor , where possibly Elizabeth had her own sitting-room .
18 A telephone call to the Grand confirmed that the Swans , who were from the Forest of Arden and thus constituents of Sir Ralph Grunte , had a double room on the first floor .
19 The cellar I have at least seen , and been in occasionally ; I know all the rooms on the ground floor and the second ; the loft is my domain entirely and home of the Wasp Factory , no less ; but that one room on the first floor I do n't know , I have never even seen inside .
20 In some much larger and loftier room on the first floor , with net curtains at the window and the mulberry tree at the back of the Scottish Office just beyond , Tite waves him to a seat .
21 For just under a £150,000 the tower offers a sitting room in the basement , a dining room on the first floor … one bedroom on the second floor then up the stairs again to the top bedroom … plus the view from the top …
22 As well as the 30,000 sq ft of retail space , the complex houses office accommodation and plant room on the first floor above the retail area .
23 Ten Scottish National Party members invaded a room on the first floor of the building which they occupied for three hours before being evicted by security guards .
24 They occupied a room on the first floor for three hours before being evicted .
25 As we took our seats in the dining room on the first night , three babies and ten toddlers were having their evening meal with their parents .
26 Once new operators start to look towards the itchy-footed turboprop pilots to fulfil their needs , everyone can start moving up a step and there may again be room on the first rung of the ladder .
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