Example sentences of "himself of the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 His deafness debarred him from lectures , and he was unable to avail himself of the help of tutors , but he persevered and he graduated in 1911 , overnight becoming front-page news as the only deaf man ( then ) to achieve the academic distinction of Master of Arts of Cambridge University .
2 Denim is the sound of a man audibly divesting himself of the baggage of the '80s , the personal mishaps , the disillusionment , the bad indie pop , the cellphones , the red braces , Club X and Margaret Hilda Thatcher .
3 Part of Franco 's concern , in assuring himself of the backing of his staunchest allies , stemmed from the resurgence in support for Don Juan visible in the 1950s .
4 A refugee is ‘ a person who , owing to a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race , religion , membership of a particular social group or political opinion , is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or , owing to such fear , unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country ’ , according to the United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees .
5 Furthermore , should the specified remedial works be carried out , and the odour emission continue , in any further proceedings , in respect of a statutory nuisance within s.92(1) ( c ) or s.92(1) ( d ) , the odour emitter could avail himself of the defence of best practicable means provided by s.94(4) and s.94(5) respectively .
6 Certainly nothing would be gained if action was taken under s.92(1) ( d ) of the Public Health Act 1936 , as the defendant would be able to avail himself of the defence of best practicable means provided by s.94(5) of the Public Health Act 1936 .
7 This was all quite accepted , but he could n't rid himself of the memory of his wife gazing blankly at the breakfast table with only the prospect of clearing it .
8 His plan for a metropolitan see at London had been stillborn but he had rid himself of the problem of Lichfield ( a process completed by 803 ) , successfully confounded his enemies and consolidated the position Offa had established at the height of his power .
9 Then he straightened up , reminded himself of the import of his task , and set off to find Sheldukher .
10 By taking representatives from various political sectors , his cabinet had the diversity which would allow his political line to adapt to different internal and external circumstances and , at the same time , he assured himself of the allegiance of all the forces present in his camp .
11 He was certain that Scarlet would never behave so irrationally but could not quite rid himself of the image of the breakfast table .
12 In any event , in due course a suitable solatium in the form of an apology was offered to Harold Wilson — or at lest a solatium which he regarded as suitable since he possesses the invaluable quality of being able to convince himself of the correctness of whatever he does — and the matter ended .
13 When Arafat satisfied himself of the identity of the three Palestinians responsible , they were sent down to Tyre ‘ in disgrace ’ .
14 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what steps he is taking to assure himself of the adequacy of the funding arrangements for local management of smaller primary schools ; and if he will make a statement .
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