Example sentences of "members [prep] the [noun pl] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Members of the Instructors ' Register must ensure that their attendance is recorded on the day .
2 Members of the Ramblers ' Association ( RA ) recently staged a symbolic trespass on Thurlstone Moor in the Peak District in a move which heralds a more militant approach to increasing access to some of Britain 's most beautiful countryside .
3 Payments to farmers and landowners to open up out-of-bounds areas were unnecessary , because many were already public rights of way , according to a survey conducted by members of the Ramblers ' Association .
4 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has appointed the eight members of the schoolteachers ' review body under the chairmanship of Sir Graham Day .
5 Leading business representatives have access through many different channels being members of the Employers ' Federation , trade associations , industrial associations or public advisory bodies , not to mention regular contact through LDP research groups .
6 Now local conference usually was held as quickly as possible erm but when you went to local conference as an official , you were then faced with obviously the employer who was concerned in the case , an independent chairman of the employers , but a battery of other members of the employers ' association who were unattached to the actual claim itself .
7 All matriculated students automatically become members of the Students ' Association which is governed by the student body and run by students elected annually from the membership .
8 In 1473 the king ordered him to look into a dispute between two members of the goldsmiths ' company .
9 For this the four Wardens of the Company would receive 3s 4d each : there was also a " potation " which was to be held on the preceding evening ( at a cost of 12s 6d ) and after the service there was a dinner ( 15s 6d ) ; finally , twelve poor members of the Goldsmiths ' Company were to be given a shilling each .
10 In 1473 the king ordered him to look into a dispute between two members of the goldsmiths ' company .
11 Keith was able to appoint officers even to the coveted rank of captain , which was in that period for all practical purposes the ultimate promotion , since admirals were drawn automatically from the more senior members of the captains ' list .
12 Bless the members of the Mothers ' Union throughout the world unite us in prayer and worship , in love and service that , strengthened by your grace , we may seek to do your will through Jesus Christ our Lord .
13 In the bright sunshine each September in central Africa , the ngwazi ( conqueror ) Dr Kamuzu Banda , Life President and over eighty years old , has addressed 20,000 members of the women 's federation of Malawi for no less than three hours .
14 Members of the Women 's Patriotic Association — originally set up by the wife of the Chinese army general as a pro-Beijing front — gathered on March 12 .
15 Emily Davison was among the most militant members of the Women 's Social and Political Union — the suffragettes .
16 Many of these had had church links in the distant past , and were brought into the church 's fellowship by elderly members of the Women 's Bright Hour group .
17 The competition , open to all paid-up members of the Women 's Institute , was sponsored by Vauxhall Motors and assessed by experts from the RAC and the Institute of Advanced Motorists .
18 She was an excellent organizer , and an effective writer and speech-maker , and her words influenced both prominent and grassroots members of the women 's movement .
19 For example , the experience of members of the Women 's Cooperative Guild , who in both their own estimation and that of observers were adjudged respectable married women , shows that family misfortune , particularly in the form of sickness and unemployment , could quickly plunge a family into poverty , whereupon the wife would probably resort to strategies similar to those of her poorer sister .
20 Members of the Women 's Institute are holding a domino drive in Newbiggin village hall on Thursday February 27 at 7.30pm .
21 The great idea had been to hold Saturday Classes open also to members of the Women 's League and the Keep Fit Association , but in the event we encountered from our Sister Organisations a most unsisterly and almost total absence of support .
22 Hundreds of members of the Women 's Institute have been lobbying MPs at Westminster today over their fears about food irradiation .
23 Many of the members of the Apothecaries ' Society in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were distinguished for their scientific attainments …
24 And when the bankruptcy trustee decided that the members of the creditors ' committee in the Federated and Allied Stores chapter 11 proceedings could not trade the companies ' shares , the SEC supported a ( successful ) challenge to the decision , launched by the Fidelity fund-management group .
25 The defendants were members of the Musicians ' Union , a union with many coloured members , and they gave notice to the plaintiffs that members of the union would not be permitted to play at the ballroom so long as the colour bar was in operation .
26 By contrast , production by what became in time the Co-operative Wholesale Society is , in principle at least , under the control of the general body of members of the consumers ' societies .
27 But we do not have to follow him further , to the view that authentic Producers ' Co-operation is to be found in factories owned and ultimately controlled not by the men and women working in them , but by the members of the Consumers ' Co-operatives whose capital built and equipped the factories , and employed labour to work in them .
28 Lewis was one of the fifteen original members of the Architects ' Club , founded in 1791 .
29 The current members of the Children 's Book Circle committee , from left Sara Domville ( Reed ) , Mark Hutchinson ( Gollancz ) , Suzanne Carnell ( Penguin ) , David Morton ( HarperCollins ) , Liz Comstock-Smith ( literary agent ) , Anne Sarrag ( Book Bus ) , Francesca Dow ( Orchard ) , and Clarissa Cridland ( Pan Macmillan ) .
30 Coffee morning : Everyone is welcome to the village hall on Wednesday at 10am for a coffee morning held by members of the Children 's Society .
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