Example sentences of "members [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If there has been little precise guidance to team members about the professional relationships and operational procedures to be followed , so , equally , there has been little guidance about their relationship to the rest of the service system .
2 The Network is arranging this year for a Peruvian editor , now living in exile in Europe , to address members about the human rights record in his country .
3 The Study and Action Programme has now been published as a booklet , which will be mailed to WACC members during the coming weeks .
4 In all five states it was found that there had been " massive rigging , tampering with figures [ and ] double voting " with the result that the number of votes cast exceeded the number of people registered as party members for the two parties .
5 A survey was also conducted of senior members for the three years 1937/8 , 1957/8 , and 1976/7 .
6 Three members of a Colombian drugs cartel who used Oxford language schools as a cover have each been jailed for ten years .
7 Phrases such as striving for the setting up of a ‘ Workers ’ republic' and the establishment of ‘ public ownership ’ were excised , as they were seen by the members of an affiliated teachers ' union , and ultimately by the bishops , to counter church doctrine ( Whyte 1980 : 82–4 ; Keogh 1982 : 7 , 77 n.5 ) .
8 We are actively trying to improve the number of women and members of the ethnic communities who are reporters and presenters .
9 I am not aware of the point that the hon. Gentleman raises but , as he knows , a tremendous amount of support has been made available through the Home Office and other sources to assist members of the ethnic minorities in this country .
10 In 1984 , ERA became members of the Technical Services Agency ( TSA ) , a user-controlled community technical aid centre who carried out the in-depth survey of our flats and who issued us with a long detailed report .
11 There remained only ‘ Z ’ Special Force , an undercover operation on the island run by Captains Broadhurst and Wylie , former members of the Malay police force , who organised native lookouts and a radio reporting system which at one time had 25 radio stations on the island , demonstrating how a few guerrillas may succeed in adverse local conditions where a larger force can not survive .
12 However , the reader is invited to try to formulate an explanation of the differences in meaning between the members of the following pairs of sentences :
13 Working for Christian Aid alongside us were students from New College , and members of the following Churches among others : – St. Colomba 's by the Castle ; Augustine Congregational ; Dublin Street Baptist ; Broughton-McDonald ; St. Mary 's Catholic Cathedral : St. Stephen 's , Comly Bank ; Dean Parish ; Canongate ; Cramond ; St. Giles ; Greyfriars ; and Charlotte Chapel .
14 We went on to the villa which had been requisitioned for the Bologna branch of the Allied Screening Commission : like all the villas requisitioned by Germans and members of the Allied forces alike , it was far too splendid for the purpose to which they put it .
15 Of the 12 members of the European Communities ( EC ) , only Portugal and Greece now remained outside the ERM .
16 It also agreed to simplify the rules governing the trade of sensitive technology between members of COCOM , a question that was of particular interest to members of the European Communities ( EC ) .
17 The European Council of heads of state and government of the 12 members of the European Communities ( EC ) held a summit in Rome on Dec. 14-15 .
18 For the first time , ministers formally acknowledged the security aspirations of the 12 members of the European Communities ( EC ) , some of whom had urged a greater defence role for the nine-country Western European Union [ see pp. 37212 ; 37931 ; 38216 ] .
19 In remarks understood to be directed at members of the European Communities ( EC ) and the United States , whose differences over farm subsidies had contributed to the breakdown of the talks in December 1990 [ see pp. 37796 ; 37930 ] , Dunkel called for " political rhetoric " to " be complemented by political courage " .
20 After four years of economic boom , 1990 saw a slowing down of the Spanish economy , as a result in part of the impact of the Gulf crisis on oil prices but due also to the government 's restrictive monetary policy , which was designed to bring Spain 's currency and rate of inflation more into line with those of other members of the European Communities ( EC ) .
21 Several member countries of the European Communities ( EC ) , in the context of the EC debate on European political union ( EPU ) , made proposals during October which addressed the issues of common European security and defence policy , and in particular the role of the Western European Union ( WEU ) , which currently comprised nine of the 12 members of the European Communities ( EC ) but not Denmark , Greece or neutral Ireland .
22 The SLORC 's refusal to hand over power to the NLD in May 1990 was harshly criticized by many states , including the United States , Japan and the members of the European Communities .
23 The MP had asked him whether the inquiry under the Assistant Chief Constable of West Yorkshire could be extended to the four members of the Serious Crimes Squad who were involved in preparing the case of the Birmingham pub bombing in 1974 .
24 The situation of these workers was very little different from that of the members of the middle classes and , indeed , many of them , in income terms alone , were , from time to time , effectively within that social category .
25 Communal living has received a great deal of publicity during the last twenty years , partly as the result of the experiments with alternative lifestyles widely advocated by members of the middle classes in the 1960s .
26 But those who made their fortunes in trade were despised by most members of the middle classes and all of the upper classes .
27 Ant-lions ( Myrmeleon ) are members of the lacewing flies , while worm-lions , which comprise two genera , Vermilio and Lampromyia , are true flies .
28 Devolved local council government would be introduced , and the policy of reservation of jobs for members of the lower castes would continue for a further 10 years .
29 India was in a state of crisis during September as politicians and citizens responded to the government 's August decision to reserve 27 per cent of public-sector jobs for members of the lower castes [ see p. 37653 ] .
30 The government had announced in early August its decision to implement the Commission 's recommendations to reserve 27 per cent of public-sector jobs for members of the lower castes , a decision which had resulted in widespread civil disorder and had exacerbated the already tense political situation [ see pp. 37653 ; 37710-11 ] .
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