Example sentences of "together with [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This report , together with the minutes and memoranda of evidence , provided a considerable volume of information about the workings of the financial system in the UK as well as some of the views of monetary authorities ( the Bank of England and the Treasury ) as to how the system might be regulated .
2 All who have received watches in previous years were invited together with the families and friends of those being presented .
3 The workbook should be distributed at the beginning of the weekday , together with the aims and objectives for the shop .
4 The exertions of all the different kinds of labour that are directly or indirectly involved in making it ; together with the abstinences or rather the waitings required for saving the capital used in making it : all these efforts and sacrifices together will be called the real cost of production of the commodity .
5 These were joined at the site by the Stockport contingent — a large assembly of local dignitaries , together with the builders and two bands .
6 The injection of considerable sums of federal money into many American schools in the 1960s , together with the programmes and methodologies that resulted , arose from and sometimes led to the conclusion that change in education was primarily a matter of provision .
7 They were the schools attended by the children of parents able to pay a modest but not negligible fee , together with the boys and girls who had by their own ability won a free or subsidized place .
8 Figure 1 shows several of the most elementary transformations together with the rules that generate them .
9 The merits of individuality are being lumped together with the dangers and both are being dismissed as ‘ individualism ’ .
10 It may seem to modern eyes a very lop-sided assessment of his position that the primacy , together with the lands and other rights of Canterbury , should occupy so prominent place in his thoughts .
11 The aims and objectives of Britain 's National Parks , together with the rights and responsibilities vested in National Park Authorities , have been fully described by both the Countryside Commission and the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority , and so need not be repeated here .
12 A typical clause on the sale of a registered title is as follows : All that property known as the title to which is registered as Absolute at HM Land Registry under Title No Together with the rights and Except and Reserved and Subject as mentioned in the Entries on the Register of the said Title .
13 A typical clause on the sale of an unregistered title is as follows : All that property known as Together with the rights and Except and Reserved and Subject as mentioned in a Conveyance ( hereinafter called " the Conveyance " ) dated and made between of the one part and of the other part .
14 The British industrialists and workers who passed France are investigated together with the skills and equipment involved .
15 A country house , The Grange , was rented at Hindhead and the aftercare department was transferred there , together with the records and a staff of fifteen .
16 Even so , this is still largely an unmapped terrain , and the research strategy adopted here is one which aims to clarify some of the issues involved in inter-agency work and to identify areas of work in which it might be usefully advanced together with the limits and obstacles to its development .
17 ‘ There shall be transferred to and vested in the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland the whole functions of the Keeper of the Registers and Records of Scotland with regard to the framing of the General Register of Sasines , the Register of Hornings , the Register of Inhibitions and Adjudications , the Register of Entails and the Register of Deeds , together with the powers and duties transferred to the said Keeper from the Director of Chancery under section seven of the Reorganisation of Offices ( Scotland ) Act , 1928 . ’
18 And that all if you put this together with the documents that we know , it suggests that there was a twelfth century church here which was demolished and then rebuilt in the fifteenth century .
19 Table 1 lists each movement of the Te Deum , together with the timings and time-words given in the autograph score , H400D , and where appropriate , further timings , derived as explained above .
20 Between the fourth and eighth week all the main organs are formed together with the limbs and beginnings of skeletal structure .
21 Grate the rind from one of the grapefruit and put it into a baking dish , together with the shallots and wine .
22 The first undoubted works of art documented by archaeology , the engravings and paintings on the walls and ceilings of caves and rock-shelters together with the figurines and engraved pieces from deposits resting on their floors , were created by members of our own species Homo sapiens sapiens during the Late Glacial period from around thirty thousand years ago .
23 It is worth removing mildly infested plants from their pots and washing off all the compost ( together with the grubs and any remaining eggs ) , then repotting in fresh compost drenched with insecticide .
24 These indicate the remains of a tower , and , together with the corbels and tympanum , suggest a very fine church in the twelfth century .
25 Under the terms of the Honiara accord the rebels were given immunity from prosecution , together with the promises that the government would remove its blockade and would not attempt to re-establish its troops upon the island by force .
26 As Korah , Dathan and Abiram stand defiantly at the doors of their tents with their wives and children , the ground opens beneath them and swallows them up , together with the tents and all their belongings .
27 However , first of all it is necessary to deal with certain key terms used in the market , together with the types and uses made of loans .
28 Massed Pipes & Drums The Scots Guards — 350 Years The Massed Pipes and Drums together with the Pipes and Drums from Adelaide University , Australia Massed Scottish Dancers The Massed Bands of HM Royal Marines The Band , Pipes and Drums and Corps of Drums of the Scots Guards Music of the Massed Military Bands
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