Example sentences of "together [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 What right did he have to come back into her life like this , trying to shatter it into little pieces that could n't be put back together for a second time ?
2 ‘ We 've always been really good friends but had n't worked together for a long time .
3 They had lived together for a long time , but the sister was now reaching the conclusion that the situation could not continue much longer :
4 CHARLES and Diana will be together for a long time to come .
5 Earlier marriages with fewer children means that couples are together for a long time after their children have left home .
6 We splashed and laughed and played together for a long time , sharing their delight at looking underwater through a diving mask for the first time .
7 On my first visit , we sat together for a long time , talking of this and that .
8 Helen , with the baby only two weeks away , was very large indeed , but not too large for me to get my arms around her , and we stood there in the middle of the flagged floor clasped together for a long time with neither of us saying much .
9 The way I was doing the deal , everyone was going to have to work together for a long time . ’
10 They lived together for a long time ; she bore him children — who took after their mother and turned out to be demons too .
11 She went up to the bedroom to see Anna and they spoke together for a long time . ’
12 They stood clasped together for a long time , then he bent his head and kissed her , softly at first , then with such increasing passion that she could feel his heart beating like a drum .
13 ‘ We were together for a long time but we grew apart and we have both been working hard . ’
14 And , as I say , we 've been together for a long time and the appointment , the changeover of the appointments
15 That morning I met my father on the middle landing of the stairs , and we were alone together for the first time in the holidays .
16 In conclusion , this book has brought together for the first time the work of all the main researchers and provides a motivating set of reviews for any interested scientist .
17 The approach of the two men to each other is conducted like a ritual , a crucial moment of which comes when they go up in a plane together for the first time .
18 It was on this trip that a remarkable partnership came together for the first time .
19 Perdita was in such a good mood that she and Daisy actually had supper together for the first time in months .
20 Trying to mould together a side in only four days with eight players coming together for the first time is a pretty difficult task .
21 This meant the Government would have less to announce at the unified Budget in November , when tax and spending plans will be unveiled together for the first time .
22 The Swedes , at No. 16 with Dancing Queen are working together for the first time in seven years .
23 The trove will be exhibited together for the first time at the Pierpont Morgan Library ( 9 December-4 April1993 ) , accompanied by an illustrated catalogue by William Voelkle and Roger Wieck , curator and associate curator , respectively , of the Morgan 's Department of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts .
24 Females often produce it as a contact call for their cubs , particularly when they start going out on rambles together for the first time .
25 It was The Association of Women Artists and Friends of Art in Berlin , an association of women artists , who banded together for the first time on 13 January , 1867 , to overcome some of the structural obstacles to women artists .
26 He made the effort to say something pleasant to his wife and they drank a glass of wine together for the first time in weeks .
27 Mick Redmond had finished a tour of operations and was on leave when John came on leave so the brothers were able to spend some time together for the first time for years .
28 In December 1989 the ‘ First National Conference on Knowledge Representation and Inference in Sanskritam ’ was organised by the Computer Society of India in Bangalore , bringing together for the first time linguists and computer scientists from all over India .
29 It brings together for the first time 24 internationally produced and acclaimed animations , displaying a vast array of styles and experimentation .
30 Four of the five protagonists of this story — Greco-Macedonians , Romans , Jews and Celts — came together for the first time in the Hellenistic period .
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