Example sentences of "able [to-vb] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was Willey , supported by Emburey , who kept it at bay , the final score being 391 for 7 ; admittedly , Roberts had hardly been able to bowl on the last day , but the home team had shown themselves that they could bat a bit if they tried .
2 The first extensive studies of Romano-British pottery were by Thomas May , who died on 28 October , 1931 at Stratford-upon-Avon , where he had taken up residence to be able to work on the nearby site at Tiddington , ( Fieldhouse , May and Wellstood , 1931 ) .
3 It would be an exaggeration to say that every trade union member is now aware of the Commissioner , but it is probable that a disgruntled member 's first contact point would be able to pass on the relevant information .
4 Charman was able to drum on the B-side track , ‘ ( The Moment Before ) Everything 's Spoiled Again ’ .
5 So , Sir , I have been able to reflect on the inherent good sense of the people of Worcester over the years I have been privileged to be the Member for that constituency .
6 Cockney ruffian culture has n't been able to progress on the swaggering menace , social quirks , pithy observation and deranged vignettes detailed in the impressive collection of tunes played out here under the giant M erected in Finsbury Park .
7 She will also feel able to draw on the great assets the team have to offer , namely experience and a wide knowledge of patient care .
8 Here the faculty is able to draw on the wide range of professional musicians who reside in Edinburgh or visit regularly .
9 In this way , inter-party friction would be eliminated , while , at the same time , the new organization would still be able to draw on the mobilizing capacity of the old parties .
10 It was thus able to draw on the large reservoir of latent discontent among Liberals and the intellectuals which had been only slightly touched by the problem of unemployment and which was completely cut off from the syndicalist traditions of working class militancy in the previous decade .
11 British historians are especially fortunate in being able to draw on the oldest tradition of popular autobiography in the world .
12 May not be able to sleep on the left side because of the palpitations and suffocation .
13 Having made the Hannover picture I thought it would be nice to have a smaller version , so I now have a two-metre square version on canvas , also painted with Scanachrome , and I am working on the area of the television screen in a more painterly manner than I was able to use on the large one .
14 A a at precisely the point where one one would expect them to be in the position to be able to encroach on the rich they are actually this is , this is the promotion of the rich peasant economy .
15 Thus , like the later Formalists , the Prague School were able to insist on the specific properties of the ‘ poetic ’ text , and at the same time recognize its links with the author and the social context .
16 When it became clear by the end of the month that the EEC would not be able to concur on the financial arrangements for the common agricultural policy , the French Foreign Minister , Maurice Couve de Murville , whose turn it was that month to chair the Council of Ministers , abruptly terminated the session despite the objections of the other ministers .
17 That 's the sort of issue Chair , that we shall be able to address on the twenty seventh .
18 A firm of solicitors experienced in this work will also be able to advise on the many areas of law which impinge on the conduct of takeover offers .
19 Such data are relevant when looking at the impact trade unions may be able to have on the national political process .
20 In the same way the sales manager can optimize his launch date to ensure earliest returns on the new product by accepting a small risk that he will not be able to deliver on the promised date .
21 In the same way the sales manager can optimize his launch date to ensure earliest returns on the new product by accepting a small risk that he will not be able to deliver on the promised date .
22 Furthermore , whilst the audited accounts may provide comfort in relation to the overall financial position of the Business , the Purchaser needs to be able to rely on the past records of the business for all sorts of other reasons — e.g. past levels of turnover , proper recording of information , etc .
23 Yesterday 's result means that he will be able to take on the Euro-sceptic rump in the Tory Party and put through the legislation that could put Britain on the road to a single European currency by the late 1990s .
24 That means that the trust will be able to improve on the successful record for day surgery that the hospitals established in the past 10 years and to which I referred earlier .
25 A RECENT agreement between the Midland Railway Trust at Butterley — and the Narrow Gauge Railway Association , means that visitors to the Midland Railway Centre are now able to travel on the first stages of the Golden Valley Light Railway at no extra charge .
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