Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [det] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The historian of the future might be able to reconstitute all the documents mentioning a particular subject in an automated PRO but the manner in which they inter-relate might take some time to unravel .
2 Do n't forget you 'll be able to enjoy all the benefits of a Club 18–30 holiday while making a big saving on price .
3 It was an attitude she had encountered before admittedly — from people who assumed that because she had grown up in hotels , she had been able to enjoy all the comforts afforded to the customers .
4 And as you see , I am still here , still alive , still able to enjoy all the pleasures that mind and body may afford .
5 Being able to see all the chimps together is unusual , though .
6 In this way , delegates were able to see both the kinds of questions being asked by the wider conference and the form of solutions that were being proposed .
7 Oh my darling , I am too happy and excited to be able to write all the things I want to say to you , so much is crowding in , so much has happened in such a short while and I want to pin down some of this marvellous feeling before it all rushes by and becomes more accepted — because , Betty , I do feel that we accept each other , there is a tolerance , a straightness between us that makes it all possible .
8 The county court will be able to grant all the remedies now available in the High Court .
9 Government grant is distributed through a mechanism which is now called the standard spending assessment , an awful word , or phrase , but it is absolutely vital , and if you look at the standard spending assessment given to this county the government is saying we ought to be able to provide all the services for a total cost of eight hundred and seventy nine pounds per charge payer .
10 ‘ But if we are not able to obtain all the slots we 've applied for at Heathrow we may have to consider cutting back , ’ he said .
11 Unfortunately we were not able to meet all the requirements for County support and it was decided some time ago that we would go ahead with an experimental opening without it .
12 I calculated finally that my savings would be able to meet all the costs I might incur , and in addition , might stretch to the purchase of a new costume .
13 Once a regression is over , the patient is always able to remember all the details perfectly clearly , and for Carol it was more upsetting afterwards than during the regression itself .
14 Notable performances here came from 10 year old Ben Bransby , who finished seventh in the men 's event , Emma Williams , who dominated the women 's event , and eight year old Adam Dewhurst , who would have placed higher than his tenth if he had been able to reach all the holds !
15 He wrote ‘ I consider all the second shots will still be interesting whatever the condition of the ground , whilst in winter the player who hits two rather good shots will , with the exception of the 3rd hole , be able to reach all the greens , thus reaping the advantage which all modern golf course architects are beginning to realise is their due ’ .
16 You might not be able to afford all the appliances you would like from the start , but if you think you will need them and will be able to afford them later you must leave the space and supply utilities for them .
17 You 've really got to be able to play all the keys on the piano on this one .
18 This is a reservation for the group to be completed by the tour operator giving full details from which the hotel will be able to organise all the services required .
19 For the present , I would prefer to reformulate Popper 's position on observation statements in a less subjective way , thus : An observation statement is acceptable , tentatively , at a particular stage in the development of a science , if it is able to withstand all the tests made possible by the state of development of the science in question at that stage .
20 And you see , the blinding thing about making me your manager is that I 'd be able to put all the resources of Trotters Independent Trading at the club 's disposal .
21 Although it is almost certainly the case that most firms are not able to appropriate all the returns to innovation via licensing , this does not imply that many firms can not generate a satisfactory stream of returns in this manner ( particularly if they are not well placed to exploit the new knowledge themselves ) .
22 Voting patterns are a complex business and my colleague , Keith Britto , who is an expert in these things , tells me that no research has been able to disentangle all the strands of voting motivation , a crucial point to remember in planning a campaign !
23 At about this time he returned to Courthill to assist his father , and so he was able to use all the resources of the smithy to make the kind of machine that was in his mind .
24 As I 've grown older , I never cease to be amazed at the theories of the amateur detectives who always turn up at any tragic occurrence and immediately are able to give all the answers .
25 It is therefore more important to understand the principles on which such lists are based than to be able to negotiate all the niceties of any particular list .
26 Since we are not yet able to predict all the interactions which may be important in a study of environmental problems , collecting potentially useful data as well as those believed central to the problem under study is often wise ;
27 One would therefore expect that this unified theory should be able to predict all the values of quantities , like the electric charge on a particle , that are left undetermined by our present theories .
28 erm I think we 're be able to do all the counts with that number of people including the St David 's roundabout and
29 While programmers have not been able to do that the results they have achieved suggest that this may not be such a good idea .
30 But to be able to do this the contractors needed to gain admission to the Russia Company and Gould played his part in the attack on the company .
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