Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She could have wished it otherwise — then she might have been able to lose herself in the crowd .
2 Rather , while ageing is often experienced as a disruptive life event , some people find that they are able to accommodate themselves to the changes — both practical and emotional — in their lives .
3 If the Declaration of Rights gave the Tories the sort of legal assurances they wanted , to what extent were they able to accommodate themselves to the break in the hereditary succession ?
4 Such a statement is misleading , because it seems to imply that the Tories were Jacobites at heart ; in fact , most Tories were able to accommodate themselves to the break in the succession which had taken place in 1688 – 9 .
5 As we have already seen , Tories were largely able to accommodate themselves to the Revolution ; most could accept William at least as de facto ruler , and some , following Edmund Bohun , were even able to rationalise the events of 1688 – 9 in such a way as to conclude that William was also monarch de jure .
6 But even if we are able to accommodate ourselves to the fact that our parents were not altogether " good " from the child 's viewpoint , we may still retain the ideal in our minds .
7 ‘ That would give him more confidence and he would be able to establish himself in the side . ’
8 Spokesman Jun Shimoyamada said : ‘ You 'll be able to immerse yourself in the picture . ’
9 The net effect of these injunctions ( as well as others we shall meet later ) is to ensure that the natural inability of human beings to respond ‘ perfectly ’ to all situations , however demanding or paradoxical , is construed by those human beings as clear evidence of personal inadequacy : they lack the ability , resilience or ready-made savoir-faire that they somehow ought to have , in limitless supply , if they are to be able to look themselves in the eye in the bathroom mirror each morning .
10 It is certainly true that in many cases warts will regress and even disappear without any treatment , but it is unclear why this should happen and there is no way of predicting which sufferers will be able to rid themselves of the warts or how to stimulate the body 's defence to that end .
11 The general health of older people might be improved if they were able to rid themselves of the many ageist attitudes that surround the issue , and were able to feel more positive about their health prospects .
12 The legislation was resented bitterly enough by the Netherlands to lead to a war in which the English Republic was able to assert itself against the Dutch Republic .
13 This condition is met wherever there is value in people being able to express themselves in the way they choose , at least where acceptable alternatives present themselves .
14 Lord Hunter had been unable to free himself from the idea of Meehan as a participant any more than Sir Daniel Brabin had been able to free himself from the assumption of Timothy Evans 's guilt ; neither could bring himself to admit , perhaps for the sake of the reputation of their profession , that the miscarriage of justice had been total , that Meehan as much as Evans had played no part whatever in the crime with which he had been charged .
15 I mean , he was able to put himself among the duped .
16 ‘ You have to be able to put yourself in the place of the athlete and work out what they need ’ , she says .
17 Schools were started in the monasteries , for Charles proclaimed that ‘ Men of God should not only live by the rule and dwell in holy conversation , but should devote themselves to literary meditations , each according to his ability , that they may be able to give themselves to the duty of teaching others . ’
18 And without doubt , many birds as well as pigeons , are able to guide themselves by the earth 's magnetism .
19 Only in his own pieces ( all transcriptions of other composer 's works ) is he able to stretch himself to the outer limits of his technique .
20 This being impossible , the next thing to be wished for is that , at every instant , seeing reason to believe as much , and not being able to satisfy himself to the contrary , he should conceive himself to be so " ( emphasis in original ) .
21 It had been his only relationship , a habit of natural loyalty founded in his childhood , further cemented by the dependence of the field officer on his Control , and never questioned in its foundations … perhaps because , in accepting the Colonel as his father-figure , he had been able to protect himself from the manner of his real father 's death .
22 Although the Court of Appeal expressed no opinion on it , the court was clearly concerned that the employer might possibly be able to protect himself from the use of the employee 's skill and knowledge post employment by means of express provision if the employee were simply to sell that knowledge as a commodity ( ie not use it as a means to gain further employment ) .
23 Young skin is not only thinner but also has fewer pigment cells and is less able to protect itself from the sun .
24 Society may not through its laws be able to protect the sufferers from addictive disease from the consequences of their addiction nor he able to protect itself from the consequences of their actions even if the law is applied universally to all addictive drugs including alcohol .
25 It was n't , however , until summer had faded that he could at last feel he was his own man again and was able to address himself to the present .
26 He returned to England on succeeding his father as second Baron Northwick in 1800 , and was able to devote himself to the formation of the collection for which Northwick Park became famous .
27 Or at a pinch he might be able to squeeze himself into the desk drawer and hide .
28 In any event , in due course a suitable solatium in the form of an apology was offered to Harold Wilson — or at lest a solatium which he regarded as suitable since he possesses the invaluable quality of being able to convince himself of the correctness of whatever he does — and the matter ended .
29 When Tate took his leave , Eliot stood at the door of the drawingroom leaning on two canes ; Tate waved goodbye , and although he was not able to raise himself from the canes he smiled and made a movement with one hand .
30 The non-metropolitan districts had the additional advantage of being able to portray themselves as the victims of county councils spending heavily in one of their own non-election years .
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