Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [adv] with the " in BNC.

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1 I was able to breathe only with the utmost difficulty , and my arm hurt like hell .
2 During this period of numbness , people are perfectly able to carry on with the practicalities of living .
3 People in my trade are supposed to be able to help , but I 've only been able to come up with the old platitude : ‘ Do n't buy a £500 car from a dealer because you 'll only get £100 worth of vehicle — the rest will be profit . ’
4 Cellini may not be able to come up with the goods .
5 Set up a lab like mine and run the same experiments , and anyone should be able to come up with the same results , for they do not depend on excessively mysterious skills or tricks , and science is after all , in the words of its most passionately admiring philosophers , public knowledge .
6 However , its subsidiary , Barclays Direct Mortgage Services , was able to come up with the sums in a matter of days .
7 Well I think there 's every chance that it will get the go-ahead er I mean obviously er there are money restraints but I 'm sure that the District Council will be able to come up with the appropriate amount .
8 Nursing care based upon the nursing process is being widely implemented in the United Kingdom , and one of the main skills that nurses need to develop is the ability to be able to communicate effectively with the patient and his family , in order to be able to define the patient 's problems .
9 You will need to be methodical and able to communicate effectively with the ability to operate largely unsupervised .
10 The Meiji period ( 1868–1912 ) began with the surrender of feudal fiefs to the Emperor ; ‘ thus the country will be able to rank equally with the other nations of the world ’ , concluded the memorial of the lords who initiated this step .
11 PC World 's customer profile breaks down into those who know what they want but want to see it demonstrated and to be able to walk away with the product ; those who know a bit , but have never bought a computer before ; and corporate customers seeking the best value for money .
12 You will not be able to play much with the children ( or anyone else for that matter ! ) without becoming weary .
13 People seem to be able to identify easily with the small local council such as the parish or town council which represents an identifiable local community , such as a village or small town and also with their traditional county , but where areas have neither an identifiable community nor an historical association , problems can develop .
14 there is not a single piece by anyone other than himself on these discs which he is not able to rattle off with the short of nonchalant ease that would probably make even ARgerich or Pollini green with envy .
15 It will be able to negotiate directly with the Council on proposed amendments rather than going through the Commission and , in the last resort , it will be able to reject the agreed position of the Council on legislation , although it is unlikely to do so often .
16 Where competing firms are small they may wish not only to help regulate competition in the product market by joining together , but also to protect themselves against a marked inequality in bargaining power , since they are too small to be able to deal effectively with the trade unions unaided .
17 More and more instructions , more and more complex in their nature descended more and more frequently upon local offices , but without any adequately effective co-ordination at the Headquarters level to ensure that those in the outfield had a clear enough idea of what their order of priorities should be as they became less and less able to deal effectively with the totality of their responsibilities .
18 After all , unless we can show that we are able to do better with the totality of the sums , and the totality of the business , why should any shareholder believe that we know better how to deal with his money if we are to invest in areas outside our particular expertise , than he can by individual investments ?
19 The ultimate holding company function will highlight related companies within groups and identify companies which , while they appear to be too small to do the deal , may be able to do so with the support of their holding company .
20 Designed by Derek Gardner , it was a world-beater ; by the time it was fully developed during the 1971 season , Jackie was again able to run away with the championship , scoring nearly twice as many points as his nearest rival , Ronnie Peterson .
21 Nicholson became a member of an elite group of chemists — the B-Club — in whose company he was able to keep up with the activities of Hofmann and his associates .
22 Dad , as a master-tailor during the '14 –'18; war , had a War Department contract for army uniforms , and so we were able to keep up with the Jones 's ( or should I say , the Cohens ? ) .
23 A young wildebeest is able to run almost as soon as it is born , for it must be able to keep up with the other wildebeest when they flee a predator .
24 During the takeover battle , it was suggested that Cadbury Schweppes should act as a white knight to Rowntree , in order to form a strong British company able to compete effectively with the Swiss .
25 Victory in her first war with one of the European powers had the paradoxical effect not of reassuring Japan that she was now a major power able to compete effectively with the others as at least an equal but , instead , of convincing her of her continuing vulnerability and the need to strengthen further her military capability .
26 The relationship that the building surveyor is able to develop directly with the client is unusual in its closeness , and has a special significance in that it enables him to be identified as the expert in the area of work under inquiry .
27 All Irish landladies , however pleasant , seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when a visitor left , and they were able to get on with the intense business of family life without interruption .
28 By doing this the work of the council is expedited and the officers of the council are able to get on with the instructions of the committee without waiting for confirmation by the council of the decisions of the committee .
29 It can he useful to recap on the action you want taken after putting on pressure : ‘ If I call talk about it today , then I 'll be able to get on with the project — if I ca n't , the project is going to have to he delayed .
30 ( a ) ‘ If I can talk about it today , then I 'll be able to get on with the project — if I ca n't , the project is going to have to be delayed .
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