Example sentences of "able [verb] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But generally , the deadline achieved its purpose and we were able to despatch certificates to students much more quickly than in the past . ’
2 These are periods when staff able to provide information to visitors are either reduced in numbers or absent .
3 With Thomas Sackville , Baron Buckhurst [ q.v. ] , as a cousin and constant support , perhaps even financially , Alford was ostensibly well placed for advancement , and he was able to secure election to borough seats in Lancashire , Cornwall , Berkshire , and Sussex so that he sat in nine of the thirteen parliamentary sessions of Elizabeth 's reign .
4 Placement may assist in pulling together the framework and coherent objectives for partnerships ; can explore how other organisations may be used ; is able to secure commitment to growth by partners through direct experience of one another ; establishes communications between the various partners ; may be used to identify who should be involved and at what levels ; provides a regular data and information flow through its exchange mechanism ; may indicate for the local area the support available from national employers that may be utilised at the local level ; constructs environments where introductions are purposeful between the partners and can adopt an incremental approach to partnership activity .
5 He is able to talk man to man with the Chartist delegates , in the confidence that his family has worked through many generations for the common good — building churches and bridges , making roads , digging mines , planting trees , and draining marshland .
6 Most Japanese companies are also accustomed to being able to talk face to face with suppliers and it is the usual way of conducting business in Japan .
7 LEAs would not he able to restrict admissions to schools by using artificial admissions limits .
8 You must have Project Administrator privilege to be able to assign roles to users using option 7.2.2 .
9 The misery of the Russians and their dependents has been intensified by a spate of attacks from East Germans finally able to give expression to years of resentment .
10 In 1983 , long before the West felt able to give aid to Poland , the committee chose Lech Walesa for the Peace Prize in a gesture which embarrassed the Polish government and focused the attention of the world on the changes taking place in Warsaw .
11 This is not to deny that local inspectors are skilled at informal observation , or able to give advice to teachers in particular areas of the curriculum .
12 A while ago I had to build up my left hand strength to be able to do justice to J S Bach 's Prelude , Fugue , Allegro for Lute , so I developed the enclosed ideas .
13 In this book we have insufficient space to be able to do justice to Boole 's ideas by indicating applications to logic , probability and computer design .
14 As soon as possible in the new Parliament , we will introduce a new ‘ Rent a Room ’ scheme under which home-owners will be able to let rooms to lodgers without having to pay tax on the rent they receive .
15 Mum was always thrifty , and able to stretch pennies to shillings ; once she proudly opened an old tea-caddy ( then utilised as a savings-bank ) and showed us the amount then accumulated : an unbelievable total of ten pounds .
16 The Community Social Charter declares that workers must be able to have access to training throughout their working lives .
17 As beef farmers , they are not able to get grants to setaside their land.The racing is an alternative way of making money .
18 IT is a privilege to be able to pay tribute to Sheppard Frere whose published works have set a very high standard for us all .
19 Perhaps if we can arrive at some sort of specific amounts or some research in that direction , we might Mr Chairman , be able to take representations to government in a more positive way .
20 A bandage round his head , a cup of tea in his blunt hands , he looked like the only survivor of some great catastrophe , and Nathan could understand exactly why he 'd been able to move India-May to tears and why he 'd been given a room on the first floor , one of the large ones , for nothing .
21 I was now able to test responses to questions such as ‘ Why is it that if you want to create an ideal family as the basis of society , Unification husbands are often expected to leave their wives , and mothers are asked to leave their children while they are sent to work on a mission , possibly thousands of miles away ? ’
22 Glaxo , by contrast , was able to gain 14p to 642p amid upgrading following yesterday 's results .
23 I wanted to give back something for the great interest and happiness I have had from being able to make music to people .
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