Example sentences of "young people [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , that 's the other side of the coin , is n't it , I mean , we we should teach our young people to respect the police , at at the same time , the police should be ready to earn their respect .
2 We have a lot of people prepared to give of their time voluntarily to help young people get the kind of training they require and to help them find jobs .
3 These provided work which for a time helped to stop young people leaving the Highlands .
4 In some instances , the boundary depends on the context : young people gain the rights of adults at different ages ; at 16 if they wish to smoke ; at 18 if they wish to vote .
5 Mr Lear also put his energy into encouraging young people to enjoy the outdoors and was a commissioner for the scouts for a number of years .
6 About 1,500 young people attended the event .
7 Others felt that the implicit emphasis on home and family as formative influences on young people denied the importance of sociological explanations of delinquency .
8 The competition gives the young chefs of the future an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities before experienced professionals from the industry , who along with judging the competition , provide practical comment on how these young people entering the business can develop .
9 A study by the West Midlands Regional Management Centre found employers were generally unaware of the impact of demographic changes , particularly its effect on young people entering the employment market , and were failing to look beyond traditional sources of labour .
10 At the same time the downturn in the number of young people entering the employment market has emphasised the need for a greater proportion of young people with the skills which successful businesses will require .
11 The urgency of this investment was reinforced by demographic figures which showed that there were fewer and fewer young people entering the marketplace .
12 The fall in the number of young people entering the labour market because of the drop in the birth rate , combined with a rise in those going into further and higher education , will contract that source significantly .
13 Concern over the rising cost of public expenditure on pensions , and the shortage of young people entering the labour market , because of falling birth rates in the 1970's , may reverse the trend towards early retirement .
14 Changes percolate through gradually , much helped of course if there are major social and economic changes , such as the shortage of young people entering the labour market , which will inevitably open doors for women .
15 Future projections show a marked fall in the numbers of young people entering the labour market .
16 There had been an inclination on the part of the young people to leave the farms and migrate to the towns for the ‘ better life ’ .
17 While , as has been suggested ( 21 ) , formal training courses may not reduce the tendency for young people to leave the industry it nonetheless has the potential to create a workforce more receptive to new ideas .
18 I 've nothing against young people discovering the beauty of our national parks ( I myself am only 23 ) and my anger is not directed at the offenders themselves , but at the so-called leaders of the group .
19 In the name of the Congress , Mr Algimantas Cekuolis , an influential member of both the party and the nationalist movement , Sajudis , issued a clarion call to young people to join the party now .
20 Ms Shirley Costigan , Teesdale youth and community worker , told Durham County Council youth and community sub-committee members last Thursday that the 15 young people chose the project after learning basic photography skills .
21 In some places the young people had the boundaries impressed upon their person as well as their memories , by being physically bumped against the ground or bent over stones and beaten .
22 Contact with employers has enabled many young people to see the value of staying on at school to improve their qualifications .
23 The duke president of Youth Clubs UK , catering for a million young people said the scheme was long overdue .
24 All of these methods of teaching are based on the understanding that , in addition to being given information , young people need the opportunity to discover it for themselves .
25 You are very welcome to send recruitment literature into schools for use in Careers guidance and counselling , and Careers Teachers will certainly be pleased if you offer to spend time with groups of young people explaining the nature of the employment you offer .
26 His address implied that schools and teachers were no longer equipping young people to meet the requirements of industry .
27 Establish courses to enable young people to meet the entry requirements for nursing .
28 The aim of Standard Modern Grade Studies is to help young people to understand the society in which they live and to prepare them to participate fully as members of that society .
29 Brook 's confidential and non-judgmental approach encourages young people to seek the advice of its highly qualified staff , many of whom are parents themselves and are well acquainted with the problems of adolescence .
30 Young people approaching the age when they would no longer be the formal responsibility of the local authorities became the primary consumers of residential care for several reasons : first , many had been placed with a family and temporary readmission to residential care was needed when such placements broke down ; second , some did not wish to join a new family and preferred group living amongst other young people and appointed caregivers ; and third , some were admitted to a residential setting for help with specific problems or as part of a strategy to prepare them for independent living .
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