Example sentences of "almost a [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But — there it was , and I began to go down as quickly as possible but with difficulty , for there was almost a metre between rungs .
2 ALMOST a quarter of seven-year-olds still can not read , education tests showed yesterday — a year after the nation was shocked by similar figures .
3 The posolskii prikaz ( department of embassies ) , founded in 1549 , had by the end of the sixteenth century become a substantial organisation employing almost a score of clerks .
4 The problem is that there 's little to offer in between ; high street quality seems almost a contradiction in terms .
5 Press interviews with the rugger-buggers are almost a contradiction in terms — even the official , collective , post-match post-mortems after home internationals , down in the bowels of Twickenham or Cardiff , say .
6 Press interviews with the rugger-buggers are almost a contradiction in terms — even the official , collective , post-match post-mortems after home internationals , down in the bowels of Twickenham or Cardiff , say .
7 BY petrol engine standards , a small diesel is almost a contradiction in terms .
8 At present an ethology of cognition is almost a contradiction in terms .
9 It meant that the keynote had to be informality and so the idea of a planned suburbia was almost a contradiction in terms .
10 On the contrary , sport was a characteristic , almost a birthright of Britons everywhere .
11 We are faced with almost a month of lies , halftruths , gossip , innuendo and invective from the two main parties .
12 Not only had he paid out money , some of it his own , but he had forgone almost a month of lunches with Mrs Tobias in the ‘ Dolce Vita ’ .
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