Example sentences of "see no [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 She twisted round in the seat but could see no sign of a pursuing car .
2 Eating the lollipop slowed her pace to Horsfall Woods , and when she reached there she could see no sign of the Brownies .
3 There was room for eight cows in here and every stall was full , but he could see no sign of the half-gipsy girl .
4 He was surrounded by dark woods , he could see no sign of the boundary fence under which the tunnel had brought him .
5 She could see no sign of the man she loved .
6 I would see no change to the exiting
7 Huy could see no mark on the body to indicate how she had died .
8 I for my part can see no error in the exercise of his discretion in this respect .
9 A friend wrote requesting to have his salary allotted to the widow " and that she would get a person to do the business " , but Barratt could see no way for the widow to be of service .
10 If Liza could see no hope for the future , neither could Harriet .
11 Incidentally , I can see no magic in the words ‘ an owner ’ in subsection ( 1 ) .
12 I could see no limit to the desolation ahead .
13 She could see no end to the squalor and harshness of life in the camp .
14 I could see no point in the takeover either for Andrew Stavanger personally , or for the T. and T. company .
15 Certainly this principle applies in private nuisance — Sturges v. Bridgman ( 1879 ) 11 Ch.D. 852 , 856 — and I can see no reason for a different approach in public nuisance , at least of the kind alleged in this case .
16 In contrast , before meeting ASEAN leaders in June 1986 the American Secretary of State , Shultz , stressed the need to maintain a balance of power against Soviet might and asserted that he could see no reason for a partial or regional ban on nuclear weapons .
17 To American critics of his open-handedness he firmly replied that the British were " true allies " , but he was equally emphatic that he could see no reason for a French nuclear arsenal .
18 He said , however , that the court could see no reason for the Reporter 's adult witnesses having to be heard away from Kirkwall .
19 Although it is a commercial decision for the banks we can see no reason for the delay , ’ said one .
20 Often I could see no connection between a remark made by one person and the reply given by another .
21 He disliked the work at the boys club because the teenagers misbehaved , and because he could see no use in the work .
22 They opened her up , but could see no trace of the ulcer they had been expecting to find .
23 BELVILLE : Does your pride let you see no difference in the case you put ?
24 As much put out by the ticket inspector 's attitude as his demand for money , he paid and duly wrote to BR to complain saying he ‘ could see no justification in the circumstances for the excess charge . ’
25 They could see no enemy in the long-shadowed landscape , but they knew the ambushers had to be close .
26 He could see no future in the drover 's life and had travelled around the north earning his living , usually with animals but often through casual farmwork .
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