Example sentences of "see [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
2 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with and what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
3 I remember seeing the red card and looking up , there was 30,000 people jeering and I could see my dad in the front row of the directors ’ box .
4 ‘ Yes , I can still see my mother at the urn . ’
5 There was nothing symbolic in my reflections — I did n't see my mother as a butcher of fish or of me .
6 ‘ I 'll just see my father to a taxi and come back for you . ’
7 There are many layers of hurt to peel off before they can see their parent as a human being seeking a way out of a private torment .
8 Though cynics would see their union as a match made in a PR 's wildest dream , there is no doubting that their intentions towards each other are honourable .
9 For although the chairman of the University Grants Committee , Edward Parkes , may have received his well-earned knighthood at the end of the year — in a batch meanly thin , as usual , on honours for the scientific community — many of the nation 's academics will never see their profession in the same rosy light .
10 In general lay members did not see their role as an enabling one and do not play a particularly active role in hearings .
11 I know people who will say it 's not a good idea , and that 's the people in commercial television and commercial radio , who , if the B B C started to take advertising , would see their slice of the cake get just a touch less .
12 Behind this graceful form Martha could see her grandmother in a state of strange tension , arms folded and brows contracted in the effort of masking her feelings .
13 But then I would see her shopping in the area .
14 He could still see her painting in the garden .
15 Some dragon of a receptionist refused to let him see her boss without an appointment .
16 Helen will also be keeping an eye on the job market while she is away and praying that employers will see her experience in a positive light .
17 From the front door he could see her walking along the road past the graveyard with three of her friends , their heavy skirts swinging .
18 He could see her shape through the frosted half-glass ; he did n't think that she 'd be able to see him but he stayed close to the wall , just in case .
19 Sister was off duty , but the staff nurse , a big , auburn-haired girl with freckles , agreed to let Juliet see her mother for a few minutes .
20 I ca n't see her fitting into a country lifestyle , somehow . ’
21 She bent her head so he could n't see her blush at the thought that he meant their own relationship , and pretended to do something to the heel of her shoe .
22 Fred could see her hatred for the man showing plainly on her face , and he thought of Nellie 's closing words which kept running around inside his head .
23 Juliet could see her father through the half-open door of the visitors ' room .
24 He could see her face in the mirror .
25 He drew her to a stop and swung her round so he could see her face in the half-light .
26 Ace stuck out her tongue at Daak , who was grinning at her through the shuttle 's front window , but she doubted whether he could see her face inside the suit .
27 Yet God still speaks by his Spirit to throw fresh light on his word so that we might see its relevance to the contemporary world , and he speaks to his servants to guide them through the perplexities of life .
28 Children learn it by rote to pass examinations , and they do n't see its relevance to the world around them .
29 The Moon orbits the Earth and is sufficiently close that we can see its disc with the unaided eye .
30 I could n't see his expression in the dimness , only that he was still looking at Russell .
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