Example sentences of "almost [prep] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was to see her years later , and talk much of Eliot , they were fellow-citizens of St Louis , Missouri , and almost of the same age .
2 Even in physique they were very much alike , both being thick in the shoulders and almost of the same colouring , except that Joe 's hair showed a black sheen whereas Harry 's was a dark brown , thick matt .
3 He took the box without speaking and almost with the same movement dropped three and sixpence on the table .
4 Almost in the same instant , George was back in his doorway .
5 But almost in the same instant she rejected that idea .
6 Writing by the art critic of a newspaper is self-evidently criticism , in parallel with the writing of music and theatre critics ; an exhibition can be treated almost in the same way as a performance .
7 When the Jesuit Benedict Göes passed by Khotan in 1603 he reported that the superior kind of jade was taken from rivers ‘ almost in the same way in which divers fish for gems ’ .
8 Quite , providing there was only one representative , and we were n't overburdened , providing it was clearly understood that they were there almost in the same way that a local member would be , to speak on a given item , and not to vote , then I do n't think we 'd have any objections , but it 's entirely up to the Committee , how do you feel ?
9 They were shooed away by the Sheikha , who rebuked them for being naughty and greeted me almost in the same breath .
10 Then , almost in the same breath and contemplating all that space , he added , ‘ You 're not going to fill it up with furniture are you ? ’
11 Yet almost in the same breath they stated that men should earn more because they had ‘ wives and bairns ’ to support .
12 In I Corinthians 2 he can say almost in the same breath that it is the Spirit who shows believers the deep things of God , and that we have the mind of Christ .
13 And then , almost in the same breath , his voice gone hard , ‘ What was the date of Mario Ángel 's birth ? ’
14 Then , almost in the same breath , he turned on his heel and strode out of the room without another word .
15 She watched in silence , her heart crying out to him , suddenly fearful that almost in the same moment that she 'd found him she had lost him , but without knowing why .
16 The new version , it has to be said , is almost in the same league .
17 Almost on the same day that the third package Air Services Regulation was signed by the governments of the EEC , the state-owned Banque de Paris injected £128 million of cash into Air France in what it said was a ‘ normal ’ financial transaction .
18 See how there are shells exploding almost on the same spot in that field over there . ’
19 They danced in silence , but still in the corner and almost on the same spot .
20 He stood almost on the same spot as before , and watched the lighted windows of a basement flat across the way .
21 Almost at the same instant , they sprang apart , ragged in breath , staring , each at each , dim faces in the gloom .
22 Sitting on the tall range , its small legs sticking out over the bright brass rail which acted both as a safety barrier round the hotplates and as a place to hang grubby kitchen towels , the small attendant 's face was almost at the same level as the human 's .
23 Almost at the same time as the redcaps get back , so do the infantry from the Queens .
24 Almost at the same time D. P. McKenzie of Cambridge and R. L. Parker of the Scripps Institution in America had come to much the same conclusions as Wilson and together these scientists were responsible for what they called the ‘ New Global Tectonics ’ .
25 Almost at the same time a loud-voiced and unpopular Dominican priest made an outspoken attack against all mathematicians and Galileo supporters .
26 Almost at the same time William Russell , a painter and coffin-maker , opened his London shop ; far more ingenious than Boyce , Russell entered into an agreement with the College of Arms in 1689 whereby , for a fee , its members would attend certain funerals which he had arranged .
27 The Munn Report examined the structure of the curriculum in the last two years of compulsory schooling in Scotland , and carried out its work almost at the same time as the Dunning Committee considered the aims , purposes and forms of assessment for the whole ability range .
28 The most surprising observation is that the spring bloom occurred almost at the same time in the Tromsø area and at Spitzbergen , approximately 10° further north .
29 ‘ Come and get warm , ’ said David almost at the same time as Anthony was saying :
30 Almost at the same time there was an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the sale of Rover to British Aerospace .
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