Example sentences of "use [is] [vb pp] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What sort of use is made of cross-reference by pronouns ( she , it , they , etc ) ? by substitute forms ( do , so , etc ) , or ellipsis ?
2 Extensive use is made of tables , charts , and diagrams to guide students in their reading and understanding of a given text , and in their analysis of how it is constructed .
3 Throughout the series , use is made of tables , diagrams , and charts which are used to sensitize students to the way in which written texts are structured and also to support the numerous information transfer activities that ensure that meaning is never lost .
4 Much use is made of School Library in this unit which enables pupils to practice and improve their research skills .
5 Towards Plymouth , down deep hedge-lined lanes , is a soothing prelude to lunch at Thurlestone Hotel , Thurlestone near Kingsbridge ( ) , where in the verandah style Margaret Amelia restaurant overlooking the cliff-top golf course liberal use is made of Devon 's produce , from creams to meats and salmon from the Avon , oysters from along the coast and crab from Salcombe .
6 Thirdly , no use is made of word order information .
7 It seems to be clear that not enough use is made of solicitors for the solution of legal problems .
8 On the other hand , and with the exception of medical services where , as the LFS also shows , use is made of agency nurses and doctors , public sector establishments of any kind are very much less likely to make use of agency workers .
9 Wide use is made of Gantt charts ( see Figure 4.3 ) in production scheduling .
10 At first much of the drawing is in relief-line , as in red-figure , but freer use is made of washes in thinned glaze , as in a lovely Triton from Eleusis ( fig. 110 ) , drawn in the circle of Euphronios , perhaps by the very young Onesimos .
11 STYLISTICS , simply defined as the ( linguistic ) study of style , is rarely undertaken for its own sake , simply as an exercise in describing what use is made of language .
12 A related problem with copying other people 's arguments can be seen by comparing an excerpt from a plagiarised text ( a ) with the essay version derived from it ( b ) : ( a ) Stylistics , simply defined as the ( linguistic ) study of style , is rarely undertaken for its own sake , simply as an exercise in describing what use is made of language .
13 In this case , the writer 's revisions have turned the meaning of the original into its opposite : the original ( a ) says that stylistics is rarely an exercise in describing what use is made of language ; but the revision ( b ) says that stylistics should be defined as an exercise in describing what use is made of language .
14 In this case , the writer 's revisions have turned the meaning of the original into its opposite : the original ( a ) says that stylistics is rarely an exercise in describing what use is made of language ; but the revision ( b ) says that stylistics should be defined as an exercise in describing what use is made of language .
15 Management , in contrast , must be a continuing process — always ensuring that the best use is made of time , human resource and money , taking up some slack , reinforcing successful practices , reviewing the state of staff development and offering encouragement : " Successful implementation needs continual support .
16 It found that little use is made of arbitration procedures , although there 's no evidence that consumers are so satisfied that they have no disputes needing to be judged independently .
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