Example sentences of "later [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Fox will be talking later about the potential role of coronary angioplasty .
2 Starting work in the drawing office of the Bristol Aeroplane Company on his 21st birthday in 1925 , the Author retired 44 years later as the Managing Director of the British Aircraft Corporation at Filton .
3 The memorial appeared 50 years later through the hard work of a local newspaper reporter who thought something ought to be done .
4 Later during the first journey , comedian Jimmy Edwards tried his hand at the controls .
5 Andy was re-admitted to hospital a couple of weeks later for the second operation .
6 ‘ So they had a small secret do with just close friends , then went back four weeks later for the proper wedding .
7 In the A major Quartet , among 20-odd entrances of the complete theme ( with the upbeat ) , twice Mozart wrote a stroke : at the start of the development for the first violin , four bars later for the imitative entrance of the cello , but not for the similar entrance in between , of the middle strings .
8 Avedon used the same mixture of innocence and repellent physicality in a notorious portrait two years later of the young actress Nastassia Kinski posing naked with a python .
9 De Gaulle 's known views — fashioned by his interpretation of the collapse of France in 1940 and his resentment over the refusal of Britain and the United States to treat him as an equal in prosecuting the war effort , on the failings of the Fourth Republic , on reforming NATO , on the need for France to acquire greater international prestige , along with his ambition to affect a lasting reconciliation between France and West Germany ( ideally on French terms ) — all influenced his decision to terminate the Maudling Committee negotiations , and all were still influential in his rejection a few years later of the British application to enter the EEC .
10 He employed for instance three four-part groups differentiated by pitch ( high , medium , and low ) and probably by constitution ( soli , tutti ) , by instrumental support or substitution , and positioning in the church — to produce those exciting contrasts which led Michael Praetorius thirty years later into the etymological error of deriving the term ‘ concerto ’ from the Latin concertare , to contend .
11 Poljica 's independence was suppressed by Napoleon in 1806 , and its incorporation first into the Illyrian Provinces and later into the Austrian province of Dalmatia assisted the spread of the Latin script , which by this time had become common throughout Dalmatia .
12 They played a significant role in initiating cultural ideas at the centre for subsequent vulgarization and dissemination throughout Russia , at first through ‘ fat ’ specialized journals and then later via the popular press .
13 At the beginning of hostilities against Germany on 4 August 1914 , Wolverton companies F & G ( later under the four company system they became part of C & D companies ) were mobilised and the Battalion was formed complete at Aylesbury , before midnight .
14 The jeep-driver went into the farmhouse and emerged a few seconds later with the burly man .
15 However , a bright lady from one of the northern co-ops came up to me later with the simple answer : they were looking at the prices and making their choice on that basis in much the same manner as they might go into a butcher 's shop with a price tag for the weekend shopping firmly implanted in their minds .
16 The final chapter in the story of imprisonment for debt came eight years later with the simultaneous passing in 1869 of the Debtors Act ( 32 & 33 Victoria cap 62 ) and the Bankruptcy Act ( 32 & 33 Victoria cap 71 ) .
17 He tried again ten minutes later with the same result .
18 She tried again an hour later with the same result .
19 See you later with the whole gang , right ?
20 It merged six years later with the Scottish Umpire to form Scottish Sport , which appeared twice weekly at 1d. and claimed a circulation of 43,000 .
21 You have to look at the way in which children learn , and the principle vehicle through which children learn is associated with visual symbols , and later with the written word .
22 With that speech , he laid the foundation for the Legion of Decency which came into being a year later with the main function of rating films according to moral classifications .
23 The discounts can be 13 per cent or more , a good return for whoever buys them and recovers the full face value a year later from the issuing bank .
24 Originally , Blackpool supplied its own power for the tramway , originally from a generator at the back of the tram depot , and later from the Municipal power station at Shannon Street .
25 When they emerged forty minutes later from the second-hand shop she 'd taken him to , he wore a tweed suit , laced boots , a heavy overcoat almost ankle-length , gloves and a trilby hat .
26 Then later in the drop-down bed ,
27 The Leeds midfielder Gary McAllister missed a penalty later in the first half during a frustrating spell for Scotland .
28 San Diego , California-based SAIC , responsible for porting HP 's Visual User Environment to alternate platforms as SAIC VUE , says it will have version 3.0 out on Sparc and RS/6000 machines by January followed by an Ultrix version later in the first quarter .
29 This landed wealth of Egypt was , later in the fifth century , exploited by rentier Iranian landowners who screwed all they could out of the local peasants : their demands are preserved in Aramaic on leather documents bought in Egypt in 1943–4 and now in the Bodleian Library in Oxford .
30 Later in the fifth century Theodoric took over Ravenna as capital of the Ostrogothic kingdom but after his death in 526 Justinian recaptured the city and Byzantine control of the area was retained until c. 750 .
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