Example sentences of "to get [prep] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sorry mummy had to rush us so much this morning it 's just when we 're in a rush we have to get to school on time you see , it 's a bit rotten when you 're only three is n't it ?
2 ‘ This means I miss my connection and then it creates a scatter at Middlesbrough as they try to fit me on to a train to get to Hartlepool in time .
3 I 'm not at all sure I 'm fit to drive but I have to if I 'm going to get to Inverness in time for the connecting flight .
4 ‘ As it happened , the kick-off was late — there was no fixed time then — and we were hard-pressed even to get to Edgehill in time for our train home , so in the rush we put our coats on over our playing kit for the journey .
5 We were at the Border , about to cut across County Fermanagh in British Northern Ireland , the better to get to Dublin on time .
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