Example sentences of "go [prep] the other [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Let's go into the other room and we 'll have a word about his diet and a few other things . "
2 Shall we go into the other room ? ’
3 which could go in the other room , if they do n't want
4 I 'm going to have to clear up and go in the other room .
5 Yeah , hold on let me just go in the other room and see if my cup 's in there
6 You can go in the other cupboard if you want , that 's a broom cupboard .
7 It will probably then go round the other side of the sledge and might even go over the snow hook line .
8 I 'll just go round the other side and get the ice-cream .
9 No I cou You 'd go round the other street would n't you .
10 Well I 'll go over the other side , Andrew .
11 But I 'll go to the other Chinese , I 'm not going
12 ‘ You must go to the other room , sir ’ says the graceful girl behind the counter firmly to the blacksmith ; and the great robust worker , blushing through the grime that streaks his face , awkwardly protests , perhaps , but withdraws .
13 Now , it 's im , that 's an important little phrase there what Jesus says , let's go to the other side .
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