Example sentences of "far [adv prt] [conj] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With the coming of the Sun a cave opened in the ice , as far down as the frozen earth .
2 This Belemnite chalk extends to the border of Avize , but Micraster bites into the vineyards on the lower slopes , reaching as far up as the D9–D10 cut which runs around the southern edge of the Butte de Saran .
3 They were in fact social outcasts , to whom documentary references can be found going as far back as the thirteenth century .
4 And even as far back as the second century , Britannia graced the back of their coins .
5 And even as far back as the second century , Britannia graced the back of their coins .
6 First , there was the fact that the crucifix is mentioned in documents as far back as the 1500s , and since what was visible clearly was later in date , restorers reasoned that there must be something underneath it ; then there were the traces of thirteenth-century paint at the foot of the cross .
7 The race has been taxing young bloods as far back as the 17th Century .
8 RAF Swinderby was ‘ contractorised ’ as far back as the 1960s because the ending of National Service led to a shortage of cooks and stewards and now ther are probably about a score of units which work a mainly 9–5 day , or where the numbers are fairly small , that may be most suitable for ‘ contractorising ’ .
9 But the idea of closer political ties with England had first been mooted as far back as the late fifteenth century , by James III ; and even though it was then an extremely unpopular policy , it was an idea which never again quite went away .
10 This copy by Thomas Hamilton of the Temple of Theseus in Athens , which is one of the finest classical buildings in Edinburgh , was designated as the home of a Scottish assembly as far back as the late Seventies .
11 The strategy was originally conceived as far back as the late 1960's when it appeared to many of us that unless we obtained a greater command over our raw materials we would be exposed to a fatal squeeze from the oil companies , who were increasingly entering our own field of business .
12 As far back as the late fourth century two men had expressed the view that war should be fought in order to bring about peace and order .
13 In forging this connection between familial morality and the strength of the nation state , Hopkins was drawing on a long-established tradition of moral philosophy dating at least as far back as the late eighteenth century .
14 He also says that the committee had raised their concerns to the council about recruitment practice as far back as the late 1970s .
15 As far back as the 1690s , with the establishment of the Society for the Reformation of Manners in London and the provinces , moral transgressors , including violators of the Sabbath , profane swearers , prostitutes , keepers of bawdy houses , actors in indecent plays and buggers , had been subject to sustained efforts at moral control , while public officials in the royal court encouraged the societies as an important contribution to the woefully inadequate police .
16 Psychiatrists , too , have been periodically sceptical of multiple personality disorder , though cases of it appear in the medical literature as far back as the mid-1600s .
17 As far back as the Middle Ages , price promotion was used as a way to develop market economics .
18 History tells us that as far back as the 12th century , there used to be a fortified castle here .
19 He had certainly mentioned the possibility of independence as far back as the mid- 1950s .
20 Nummulites are a giant kind of foraminiferan , an important group of rock-forming organisms as far back as the Carboniferous ( and with ancestors in Cambrian rocks ) , and which still form deep sea oozes today .
21 Spiders are known as far back as the Carboniferous , but their remains are principally known fossilized from the Tertiary ambers , where perfectly preserved specimens retain even the hairs on the legs .
22 As far back as the seventeenth century , Dryden described the devil as ‘ the Brummijam uniter of Mankind ’ , whilst also penning the lines , ‘ T was coined by stealth , like groats at Birmingham ’ .
23 In The Origin , and already as far back as The German Ideology , Marx and Engels followed their contemporaries in believing that the history of mankind usually went through the same sequence of technological improvement .
24 As far back as the 19505 it was proclaimed that " the medium was the message " .
25 Wells , in particular , experienced successive occupation probably from as far back as the Neolithic period .
26 At all times in the past , certainly as far back as the Neolithic period , there have been particular places to which surrounding settlements have looked for specialised goods and services .
27 As far back as the eighteenth century , and probably before , trial reports about cases of sexual crimes , adultery and non-traditional sexual practices have been constructed as a genre of pornography .
28 Awa Thiam from Senegal , a long time campaigner against genital mutilation and the guest speaker at the above mentioned conference , provided a progressive framework for women campaigning on this issue as far back as the 70's in her book La parole aux Negress , Denoel-Gonthier ( ed ) Paris 1978 , English translation Let Our Black Sisters Speak Out , Pluto Press .
29 Scientific study of whales and dolphins began as far back as the fourth century BC , when the Greek philosopher Aristotle observed and experimented with live animals .
30 As far back as the fourth century , one of the founding fathers of the Greek Orthodox Church , Saint Basil , reported with admiration and astonishment that a parent bird may risk its life for its nestlings by attempting to lure a predator away from the nest .
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