Example sentences of "far [vb pp] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first fear , the first knowledge that involvement was real and personal and far distanced from a glass of beer and a sandwich in a pub across the Thames .
2 Sotheby 's continues its cost-cutting format of having multiple lot colour illustrations far distanced from the cataloguing , much to the irritation of buyers who were seen constantly frantically flipping back and forth .
3 Not far distanced from the council , in England at any rate , was Parliament , dominated for much of the fourteenth century by the peerage ; and in that body , too , matters of policy and national finance were frequently discussed , for it was there that kings liked to benefit from the practical experience of men who had taken an active part in war .
4 Our hypothetical cavedwellers with their universal explanation that ‘ the gods did it ’ are not too far separated from the modem Westerner who believes that the Soviet Union is an unalleviatedly ‘ evil empire ’ or that Blacks are inferior to Whites : all three explanations are easy to take on board , they are much simpler than the arguments put forward by the people who disagree with them , and , once accepted , they are clung to with a limpet-like grip .
5 The assertion of a doctrine of episcopal ‘ collegiality ’ as expressive of the Church 's ministerial leadership , in continuity with the first group of twelve apostles , was far removed from a theology of papal ‘ monarchy ’ such as had long dominated Roman ecclesiology .
6 Indeed , Kant and Hegel 's accounts of the relation between man and wife in love-making are actually not far removed from a description of pornographic eroticism .
7 ‘ Centro ’ is even prepared to send speakers to rural railway societies far removed from the scene of action .
8 Such abstract economic arguments may seem far removed from the aspirations of nature conservation , but the report 's principle that sound management can benefit both wildlife and local people is also central to WWF philosophy .
9 It is , of course , an image of the city very far removed from the way most Delhi people conceive of their home today .
10 La Cage aux Folles A gay film , certainly ; but as far removed from the work of Derek Jarman as one can get without actually leaving this solar system .
11 This will be Cantona 's first visit to Hillsborough since he snubbed Wednesday , and his reception will be far removed from the hero worship of Elland Road or Old Trafford.Fergie will need all his powers of communication to prevent him being French fried in the face of hostility he is unlikely to have encountered before .
12 The words are an echo of the great series of Scottish bonds of protection and service — maintenance and manrent — made from the mid fifteenth to the early seventeenth century by the nobles and the lairds ; the only difference is that rather than being completely mutual , as these bonds were , the king had the confident assurance that his subjects would serve ‘ exactly as he likes ’ — a confidence very far removed from the idea that Scottish kings were in any way at the mercy of their most powerful subjects .
13 Because of this , much of the empirical evidence on parent-child support betrays a sense of wariness and carefulness about offering and accepting such support , which is far removed from the idea that it is the most natural thing in the world for parents and children to support each other .
14 These policies might be concerned to promote trade-union conditions , health and safety policies , or equal opportunities for women or black workers ; but they might also stray into areas far removed from the purpose of the contract .
15 What either of these methods might produce would not be far removed from the Silhouette ‘ tipsheet ’ for authors .
16 Inevitably , the actual experience is far removed from the dream .
17 The outfit was practical , but hardly stylish — far removed from the kind of slick designer gear Dane would doubtless favour .
18 Nor , Branson had now convinced himself , was an airline that far removed from the principle of expanding into related businesses .
19 These bodies are often called company councils , employee councils , advisory councils as well as works councils and as yet are far removed from the works councils elsewhere in Europe .
20 The two-hour spectacular took their breath away , even if its plot was not that far removed from the original .
21 The meanings thus arrived at would be far removed from the realms of mysticism and superstition , and be wholly free from the false claims of unchallengeable truth attributed to so-called holy scripture .
22 His voice had grown hushed and childish with wonder and his eyes filled , looking back to record this playful divination which might yet predict a future far removed from the cloister , which in any case was already losing its visionary charm for him .
23 Something of the kind seems to have happened in the case of the European communist parties ; thus Santiago Carrillo ( 1977 ) , in the passage quoted earlier , says plainly that ‘ the political system established in Western Europe … is in essentials valid ’ , and this is far removed from the outlook of some earlier Marxists — and of the members of a few left-wing groupuscules even today — who talk about ‘ smashing the bourgeois state ’ .
24 That would seem to be the case here , where we must remember that the storyteller had as his raw material a tale about a demon far , far removed from the mainstream of Israel 's talk about her God .
25 JTR was not around to see the beginnings of political comment in Scottish art ; his life took a new path far removed from the galleries and drawing rooms of artistic Edinburgh .
26 The one is too far removed from the other to present an acceptable balance of character .
27 It draws on the form of words suggested by the Williams Committee for their scheme of prohibition , and the purpose is simply to redefine the essence of the deprave-and-corrupt approach for those for whom the old form of words seems too far removed from the values and habits of today :
28 The word cottage conjured up in his mind the Smiths ' dwelling ; but a few minutes later , when he saw what she had called a cottage , he realised it was far removed from the Smiths ' dwelling as Screehaugh had been , in that it was a substantially built house .
29 In any case , during the eighteenth century the basic manufacturing sectors were dominated by noblemen , socially far removed from the merchants .
30 Even a writer as far removed from the field covered in this book as John Le Carré owes a great deal , in all but his latest work , to the blueprint detective story .
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