Example sentences of "head from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Sladen was looking from George to Husband and back again , twitching his head from side to side like a tennis umpire .
32 ‘ Very beautiful music , ’ said Balvinder Singh , who had appeared by my side , and was now wobbling his head from side to side in rapt appreciation .
33 But for me it 's a bit like a tennis match — I get tired of turning my head from side to side listening to you . ’
34 But Jenna was too lost to reality to answer and when he unfastened the buttons on her blouse and found the high , taut peaks of her breasts she tossed her head from side to side in delight as his lips caressed them .
35 She stood , arms extended but bent , and slowly moved her head from side to side .
36 She shakes her head from side to side , her loose lip-flesh wobbling .
37 Isabel screamed again , twisting her head from side to side , catapulted brutally into panic-stricken hysteria .
38 Medusa turned her head from side to side , smiling , indicating enchantment : ‘ Oh , but you will love it , ’ she said .
39 He began turning his head from side to side as he ran , to locate the source of the unknown danger .
40 Then I realized most of the visitors and all the residents were watching me and I turned my head from side to side to see why I was getting that uncomfortable my-flies-must-be-open feeling .
41 She leaned down from the horse and he did n't flinch as she grabbed his long hair and shook his head from side to side .
42 Osman shook his heavy , turbanned head from side to side as if bemused .
43 Kim shook her head from side to side ,
44 She put her hands to her cheeks and rocked her head from side to side .
45 She moved her head from side to side .
46 ‘ I ca n't — ’ she cried , shaking her head from side to side even as her body yearned towards his .
47 The moment his body covered hers she felt a great tide of revulsion and panic surge upwards until it threatened to choke her , and she threshed her head from side to side in blind , unreasoning panic , thrusting him away with frantic hands .
48 Dot matrix printers usually give you a choice between CR+LF ( Carriage Return and Line Feed ) , just CR which moves the print head from right to left , or just LF which rolls the paper up one line .
49 They begin with simple movement exercises such as standing with the hands on the hips and very slowly rotating the head from right to left , then reversing the procedure .
50 You ca n't let him act like that ! ’ continued the other woman , and Agnes noticed that as she spoke she kept rapidly shaking her head from left to right and right to left , at the same time lifting her shoulders and eyebrows expressing indignant astonishment that someone had refused to respect her friend 's human rights .
51 He stood in a familiar , flamboyant posture with his hands on his hips and his chin stuck out , constantly turning his head from left to right and back again , to take in his entire audience .
52 Surely he would come down the street from this direction , she would soon see him , turning his head from left to right to make sure nobody was there to witness their assignation .
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