Example sentences of "order [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I consider this is the equivalent of a residence order through the back door , and do not think it appropriate to make that order when Parliament has specifically denied the right to grant ex parte applications for residence orders : see also the provisions of section 9(5) of the Children Act 1989 .
2 Unless you 've got a clear order through the proper channels please do n't do anything over here .
3 The perceived breakdown of a traditional moral order during the industrial revolution and the expansion of the division of labour led to a search for new bases of moral integration .
4 But until Augustine 's City of God ( 413–27 ) most Christians unquestioningly accepted the Roman political and social order as the earthly form of the Christian society .
5 A clear recommendation would therefore seem to be in the order for the Muti recording , but unfortunately EMI appears to have delated it .
6 10:17 gives a slightly difference order for the middle section — Gershonites and Merarites carrying the tabernacle , then Reuben , Simeon and Gad , followed by the Kohathites with the sanctuary .
7 He felt that MacArthur was not interested now in a peace conference actually meeting but rather of putting forward the proposal in order for the Soviet Union to reject it .
8 Now available by mail order for the first time ( call for a brochure ) , we have 30 Make-Up Removers worth £7.25 each to give away .
9 In order for the vast pressure vessel ( the one we had seen being manufactured in France ) to negotiate the narrow village streets , it was necessary for the Board to buy up the frontages of over thirty houses .
10 Sequent Computer Systems Inc has beaten Digital Equipment Corp , Control Data Systems Inc , and Sun Microsystems Inc to an order for the Russian Relcom electronic mail network .
11 Along with Trooper Mal Duff , Corporal Harry Taylor and base camp manager Jim Wilkinson , Philip , 46 , and Christine , 32 , will ensure everything is in order for the arduous climb later this month .
12 BRITAIN 'S crisis-hit aircraft industry could face more job losses after the cancellation of a £2.3 billion order for the European Airbus , union leaders feared last night .
13 THE crisis-hit aircraft industry could face more job losses after the cancellation of a £2.3 billion order for the European Airbus .
14 While the Secretary of State 's announcement is good news for Yarrow and the Clyde , it is none the less a disappointment for the other three shipyards that submitted tenders , not least VSEL in Barrow , although the order for the 4.5 inch gun would be welcome .
15 The Commission argue that in order for the industrial base of the EC to be effective and dynamic it is important that a free and competitive environment , based on the creation of the SEM with a strong Community competition policy , be supplemented by harmonised or coordinated policies in other areas .
16 If , in your judgment , Sir , a question is out of order , how can it be in order for the Prime Minister to have a response ?
17 The matching process had to be relaxed considerably , both by allowing numerous competing phonetic labels , and by changing the lexical access procedure , in order for the correct word to be output at all ( Klovstad 1976 ) .
18 The association reported one item of progress , welcoming the recent closure order for the eastern end of Fairview Road .
19 Preparations started in 1984 to return No 4468 Mallard to full working order for the fiftieth anniversary of its record–breaking run in 1988. 1986 saw the locomotive 's return to steam in original streamlined condition .
20 With regard to your order for the above tape , I understand from a conversation that I had with Sue Atkins on her return to this country that you were tracing the Agreement documents before returning these to us for signature by the Press and despatch of the tape .
21 I write with regard to your order for the above tape , as I am unable to trace having received a reply to my letter to you of 14 February last .
22 Draw up an order form and fill in an order for the following goods :
23 Bob Hodson phones the Wilton sales office on a Thursday and places his order for the following week .
24 Clues to the exact build quality on a guitar such as this lay within , which is a tall order for the humble reviewer , but by hook or by crook — or at least with a simple mirror — all is revealed .
25 There is point , therefore , in writing today that it was a deed , in order for the full impact to be experienced by us .
26 An urgent need in the 1990s is for this professionalism to gain control of all classrooms , in order for the National Curriculum in English to be properly implemented .
27 Snow Board will prove a popular order for the 2 mile Ascot Stakes .
28 This has been made possible with the support and co-operation of the works manager who is keen to see the locomotive back in working order for the open day .
29 Population regulation , however , if it has any advantage at all , can only be a long-term one ; it must therefore be a consequence of individual decisions to emigrate , taken on the grounds that conditions will be better elsewhere , not on the grounds that the population level must be kept down in order for the local resources to be conserved .
30 Where the court has made an order for the public examination of the bankrupt ( under s 290 ) or has issued a summons to appear under s 366 , the court may also order an Inland Revenue official , on the application of the official receiver or trustee , to produce to the court the relevant accounts or assessments submitted to the Inland Revenue ( s 369 ) .
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