Example sentences of "order [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In August the navigation had to be closed at Ash Lock , in order to conserve water in the Hampshire pound .
2 In the Second World War it was protected by the government which , in order to preserve part of the national heritage , transferred a group of White Parks to the famous King Ranch in Texas , USA .
3 In order to preserve confidence in the appraisal and promotion system , the management role and to guard against accusations of favouritism , you will not normally work in the same reporting line as a relative or someone with whom you have a close personal relationship .
4 In the spring and summer of 1936 , she went to the Mercury Theatre on at least seven occasions in order to see Murder in the Cathedral .
5 The latter urged far-reaching reforms that could only be implemented by a revolutionary dictatorship , which would need to realign itself internationally in order to secure protection against the United States .
6 In order to secure compliance with the Treaty of Rome , the national authorities in the member states ( including regional and local authorities ) are bound to inform the Commission in advance of any plans to grant subsidies or to alter the terms of existing subsidies .
7 Louis too was determined to wipe the slate ritually clean of recent conflicts , in order to secure agreement for a new disposition of power within the royal family .
8 The order followed reports that Union Carbide was attempting to transfer shares in its subsidiary to a trust for building a hospital for victims of the disaster , in order to forestall seizure by the court .
9 Representatives of 21 factions met in Beirut over Christmas to issue a joint call for Mr Saddam Hussein 's overthrow in order to forestall war in the Gulf .
10 Despite his decreased speed , he had to squint against the onrush of the slipstream buffeting through the ragged hole before him , in order to catch sight of the other car .
11 On July 26 , Cabinet ministers announced that a new committee would review the financial benefits that the previous government had made available in order to encourage settlement in the occupied territories .
12 According to the report , by Dutch Socialist MEP Hemmo Muntingh , the EC has financed the construction of a road cutting through one of Zaire 's forests in order to increase production at a meat processing plant .
13 A magnetic field ( the Flux ) is generated by these heads in order to write information to the magnetic coating on the floppy disk .
14 From a bank 's standpoint , a serious danger with charter party bills of lading is the possibility of having to pay unexpectedly large freight charges in order to obtain possession of the merchandise .
15 If an abatement notice , served in compliance with s.93 of the 1936 Act , is not complied with at the expiry of the specified time , or the local authority thinks that the nuisance , although abated , is likely to recur , s.94(1) of that Act provides that it is the duty of the local authority to institute summary proceedings for a nuisance order , in order to obtain compliance with the notice or otherwise abatement of the nuisance .
16 In 1976 the Labour Government was forced to impose curbs on public expenditure in order to obtain assistance from the International Monetary Fund .
17 This was necessary in order to provide the same level of performance as our old manual system where , in order to obtain information on an individual employee , we would simply look at an employee card which was filed in surname order within department ;
18 However , relational DBMS require the user to be aware of the relations that have been set up in order to obtain information from the database , including keys and foreign keys used to join relations .
19 It also believes that the repertoire of music should be a varied one , but with a familiar core of material in order to provide stability for the worshippers .
20 Thus it is argued that , in order to provide protection for the UK car industry , the VER negotiated with the Japanese to limit car imports into the UK should be tightened and the Japanese should certainly not be allowed to establish production facilities in Britain , whereby the VER might be avoided .
21 In order to provide evidence for the view that the context can act as a retrieval cue ( or exert conditional control over an association ) , it is necessary , as a first step , to demonstrate context-specificity using the control procedures recommended by Lovibond et al .
22 The evaluation was carried out in order to provide information for a decision as to whether or not this type of material could be used for the user instruction programme at Chalmers University Library .
23 The relative abundance of dissolved constituents released through weathering reactions into surface waters can be compared to their relative abundance in the bedrock in order to provide information on the types of chemical reactions that are occurring .
24 Instead , bloated catalogues bulged with inferior stock and works which properly belonged in the routine day sales and had been promoted in order to provide ballast for the smarter evening sessions .
25 Farmers however are entitled to obtain vacant possession of a house occupied by a former employee in order to provide accommodation for a present or prospective agricultural employee .
26 But quite how high the criterion score needs to be in order to indicate mastery of a domain or readiness for further learning is not easily established- A very high cut-off score may fail pupils who have learned the material but have made slips .
27 Lacking the sources of funding available in the United States , he had to arouse public support in order to establish ecology as an independent discipline .
28 The Commission could have put forward the first of these amendments separately from the Fifth Directive , and may have chosen its course in order to revive consideration of the Fifth Directive as a whole .
29 In order to allocate funding for the different categories of health care , RAWP had to produce indicators of relative need in the different regions of England and Wales .
30 The Labour Party is currently establishing Labour groups overseas in order to mobilise support for the forthcoming general election .
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