Example sentences of "already [vb pp] [pers pn] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 've already given him a taste of the castor oil , a bout of gaol , a bit of a beating , just a tickle , a caress of their united methods , but still , you know , you 'd think it was enough , it has kept so many others from singing .
2 If he 's her lawyer , perhaps she 's already given him the photograph .
3 Her step-father had already given her a ten-shilling note and told her to keep her mouth shut about it , mind .
4 But God 's already given you the faith , so do n't worry !
5 So if group captain White has already given you an example of the reduction we 've made in in some of our er scalings of those equipment , er it was also suggested by the contractors that economies could be achieved by reducing the number of bases , the extent to which all squadrons should be fully multi role equipped and by contractualising more of the second and third line support , erm , we and the other partners are still considering these proposals in detail er and have n't actually taken decisions yet but there are certainly some possibilities in that area for er economies against the original cost estimate .
6 Peters 's independent approach to economic policy — particularly his reservations concerning the social consequences of economic deregulation — had already earned him a shadow Cabinet demotion in 1989 .
7 He needed a drink before he spoke to McGann , and Dowd , ever the anticipator , had already mixed him a whisky and soda , but he forsook it for fear it would loosen his tongue .
8 This was untrue , but I had already lent him the money . ’
9 I 've already made them a promise , those kids we 're going to have .
10 If in this respect Gloucester was still very much his brother 's agent , it is clear that his closeness to the king had already made him a person of some consequence .
11 If in this respect Gloucester was still very much his brother 's agent , it is clear that his closeness to the king had already made him a person of some consequence .
12 Pope Gregory VIII ( the former chancellor , Albert de Morra , who had contacts with France ) , who enjoyed only a ten-week pontificate , had already made him a subdeacon between October and December 1187 .
13 His name has already made him the butt of many jokes .
14 Well Jodie wanted to come with us and I phoned up and they could n't get her in so then she started saying well why do n't you stay here mum , and all that , I said yeah just when it bloody suits her she wants you to cook her dinner , said she 'd have been she should have I said she 'd be prepared to pay it , I 've already got her a seat she said
15 if you have n't already shown them a window
16 ‘ He 's already told me the story and I 've read Claudia 's account . ’
17 ‘ Which is why the lady has already promised me the pleasure of her company tonight .
18 One had already borne him a son ; one would do so soon .
19 I had already sent him a book , examples of my work , a letter about why and how I was doing the book , all for the sake of just one short interview .
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