Example sentences of "yet been [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The ecological implications of the scheme , which will not be completed until 2000 , have not yet been analysed by the embryonic Spanish environmental movement .
2 Looking upwards , she saw that no window had yet been built into the end wall at the top of the stairs , and this lack of light helped to emphasize the Stygian gloom in which she stood .
3 Gibbons is believed to be planning a realignment of portfolios , elevating the environment and lowering the life sciences in the OSTP hierarchy , but only one of his choices for the four vacant associate directorships has as yet been cleared by the White House and nominated by the president .
4 But the south Wirral woman has not yet been reunited with the two-year-old girl she left at Arrowe Park Hospital .
5 Although no definite links have yet been discovered between the first mechanical clocks and earlier geared astronomical models and automata , the way in which a surviving late fourteenth-century clock such as that of Wells Cathedral displays the phases of the moon and figures which emerge at successive hours suggests that such clocks were the product of a continuing tradition from the distant past .
6 IRISH League secretary Harry Wallace revealed today that no dates had yet been finalised for the outstanding Ulster Cup ties Linfield v Ballymena Utd and Bangor v Ballyclare Comrades .
7 It can be argued that no truly great novel has yet been written about the second world war .
8 No public inquiry report has yet been written in the ICAO format , making it difficult for researchers into air safety matters to extract the information they are looking for .
9 Due to a lack of adequate accommodation no precise analysis has yet been made of the ex-German holdings .
10 No official announcement has yet been made by the DoH , but it is understood that the new ‘ community care unit ’ is to be headed by Liz Wolstenholme , general manager of Bradford Family Health Services Authority and one of the 18 members of the original Support Force .
11 Timetables have not yet been adjusted for the higher performance of the Class 158s and the journey time to London remains at about 5 hours .
12 Where , however , there are conditions precedent to a lease being granted , eg the fact that the premises have not yet been constructed by the landlord , or the tenant is to carry out works before the lease is granted , or there is some other reason preventing the immediate completion of the lease , the parties will , or would be advised to , enter into an agreement for lease , perhaps along the following lines .
13 The fact that the Council 's Structure Plan , in which their planning policy is enshrined , has not yet been accepted by the Secretary of State makes these changes in direction all the easier .
14 He thus took as his starting point three major reforms which had not yet been accepted by the government , namely the establishment of family allowances , the creation of a national health service , and the maintenance by government policy of a ‘ high and stable level ’ of employment .
15 Compared with the wealth of information already available in the assessment of untreated tumours , relatively little attention has yet been given to the role of MRI in monitoring tumour behaviour in response to treatment and detecting relapse .
16 No indication has yet been given of the price of the G40 , but it will need to retail for less than £11,000 to keep the GTi in touch .
17 As far as we can tell , no work has yet been done on the psychology of the train-spotter .
18 The vegetation that has not yet been destroyed by the goats and donkeys seems a mass of sharp thorns , and in some places it is so thick that even the goats can get through only on their knees .
19 In this first review the Security Council deemed that " the necessary conditions " had not yet been met for the lifting of sanctions .
20 The aim of providing national norms for any test supplied has been abandoned and no agreement has yet been reached on the use of APU test items by LEAs through the NFER bank .
21 No agreement had yet been reached on the name of the Polytechnic when it assumes University status in 1993 .
22 Mr Freeman told the Commons on March 13th that no conclusions have yet been reached about the ‘ timing or method ’ of privatisation ; but his boss at the transport department , Malcolm Rifkind , has already rejected some ideas .
23 AMES is a channel for the incorporation of those sectors of women who , on account of their specific conditions ( housewives , professionals , some teachers , slum-dwellers and students ) have not yet been incorporated into the popular struggle .
24 Given that these indicators already exist for Local Authorities , it is surely indefensible to fail to explore their potential for improving the equity of resource allocation , and perhaps surprising that they have not yet been incorporated in the formulae for assessing GRE .
25 In the Jovian atmosphere the most likely condensates , that is , cloud-making substances , are ammonia , water and a compound of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide ( H 2 S ) called ammonium hydrosulphide ( NH 4 SH ) , and though H 2 S has not yet been detected in the Jovian atmosphere small amounts should be present .
26 There are some aspects of psychology which have not yet been fitted into the neural net paradigm .
27 The following Pastoral Piece , written by Mrs. Leapor , exceeds every Thing of that kind , which has yet been exhibited by the Male Authors , and I think does a supreme Honour to our Sex .
28 No evaluation has yet been undertaken on the effects of this on the fetus .
29 It is early days for these schemes and , because they have not yet been tested in the courts , must come with an appropriate health warning .
30 Dickens likened the piston of the steam engine to " the head of an elephant in a state of melancholy madness " , but even by 1815 it was only a minority of the working population who had as yet been cast in the mould of his 1845 Coketowners who , " all went in and out at the same hours , with the same sound upon the same pavements , to do the same work , and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and to-morrow " .
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