Example sentences of "yet it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Over-involved ’ is a derogatory label still used by professionals to describe anxious , supportive relatives , yet it takes extraordinary judgment and sensitivity to manage a close relative 's abnormal beliefs and behaviour in a way which neither colludes with pathological beliefs nor alienates the sufferer .
2 These factors are worthy of emphasis because in practice they are still dealt with very badly in many organisations and yet it takes little trouble or expertise to make an enormous difference .
3 Now India was an extremely poor country in nineteen fifty and still is , yet it had six times as many tractors per agricultural acre as China .
4 The slide-car was as old as history yet it had one advantage : the farmer could carry loads on gradients where it would be dangerous to take a wheeled cart .
5 The outbreak of war with Spain soon removed even the façade of trade as its main purpose , yet it had royal support and between two and three thousand shareholders .
6 Significantly , the camera does not require costly special cooling yet it achieves thermal resolutions comparable with current , cooled images .
7 Yet it took ten years for the pope to arrive at the point he had desired in 1199 , where he could treat the parties as equals , the one and the other , alterum et alterum as he says , and make his decision in Rome .
8 Yet it costs individual households nothing more to put out an extra binfull , although the community as a whole will have to pay more ; conversely , they save nothing if they recycle or compost or simply buy more carefully .
9 The 10 per cent guar loaf has 25 per cent less digestible carbohydrate , and hence 25 per cent fewer calories , than white bread , yet it has three times more fibre .
10 The relation seen as Figure 3.30 is in BCNF ( and therefore TNF ) and yet it contains considerable redundancy .
11 Yet it devoted more space to a rival attraction at the London School of Economics that same evening , Britain 's first teach-in ; the subject , the Vietnam War .
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