Example sentences of "yet [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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31 At present there seems to be a contradiction in these ideas since the current ideology stresses growth policy on the one hand yet at the same time supports the notion of tradition .
32 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
33 Yet to a very large extent German efforts were contradictory : Völkisch opinion wished Germany to remain as it was and yet somehow to return to the past ; they wanted to return to the past yet at the same time wished for the power to behave as they pleased .
34 Yet at the same time urban policy in Britain has provided an escape clause that allows British politicians to avoid the implementation of race specific policies aimed at redressing racial inequity .
35 Or again , someone may honestly put himself under the lordship of Christ yet at the same time adhere to a Christian lifestyle or espouse Christian values which by temperament or nationality he would be likely to appreciate anyway .
36 If we believe in God yet at the same time presuppose a picture of God which is less than he really is , our faith is bound to suffer .
37 Yet at the same time .
38 He attempts to resolve the problem by affirming his belief in the ideal on the grounds that man 's life is an aspiration or a striving for , perfection , yet at the same time recognizing that in an imperfect world one has to make concessions to , or to cater for , human weakness .
39 The challenge , yet at the same time the frustration of being a musician is the ever-present feeling that , no matter what level you find yourself on , you know you could be better .
40 Yet at the same time she knew that she actually was Martha — she felt like Martha deep within her and had , in fact , completely forgotten why she was being hypnotized and regressed .
41 He was standing quite still , feeling both paralysed and yet at the same time filled with a flood of energy .
42 So we all know that Benn is black and yet at the same time the Guardian can maintain the implicit position : ‘ Black ?
43 Earlier Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes said that in a month Mr Lamont could announce proposals which would make 10 million people ineligible for legal aid yet at the same time he had been ‘ allowed £4,000 , his own private legal aid scheme , to pay his own private bill for an entirely private matter ’ .
44 Yet at the same time , he needed each superpower to see Bucharest as a natural place for influencing the views of the other one and other players in the international game .
45 Yet at the same time there was discontinuity , for Jesus taught ‘ not as the scribes ’ , for unlike them his message was self-authenticating .
46 Yet at the same time it reminded her all too clearly of something she was dreading more and more .
47 It has antiseptic properties to help fight pimples , acts like a cleanser because it draws dirt out of pores , yet at the same time it moisturises and softens too .
48 They may want to control the media capable of reaching large sections of the population , yet at the same time be suspicious of the power these media possess : power which is ultimately beyond their control .
49 Yet at the same time he was edging back from his long concern with heroic valour , or hobbitic moral courage .
50 The word was said with such vehemence , yet at the same time sounded so funny , that he almost laughed .
51 We can smile , yet at the same time feel the sting of such a recognition of discrimination , intolerance and bigotry .
52 ‘ There was plenty of flak over the target area , and I kept looking at my useless chute , yet at the same time it was treated as a huge joke by us all , with the rest of the crew saying that no way was I going down with any of them if need be !
53 As a consciousness which is objectively necessary and yet at the same time false , as the intertwining of truth and falsehood , which is just as distinct from the whole truth as it is from the pure lie , ideology belongs , if not to a modern economy , then , in any case , to a developed urban market economy .
54 Yet at the same time , social policy and public attitudes combined to define the elderly as an increasingly useless group in society .
55 Yet at the same time thinking can become obsessional and repetitive for some people .
56 Doctrinally , the canons were undeniably Calvinist in outlook ; yet at the same time they expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination , and hinted at a recognition of the potentially damaging consequences of it being inadequately or incorrectly explained to the laity .
57 The showmen were men of their time and they knew how easy it was to tell stories that would be sympathetic to the common man , that would condemn all truly evil men and their agencies , and yet at the same time would do nothing other than confirm existing social values .
58 In addressing the problem of how British headhunting firms , in competition with the multinational search companies , were able to create and develop a sustained demand for headhunting services , it would be unnecessarily long-winded and tedious to examine every one in detail , yet at the same time it would be sketchy and uninformative to list them all briefly without analysis , and the basic information is given in the Select Directory .
59 Yet at the same time the warp was the ultimate background to existence .
60 He examined her carapace , her tough coiled-spring legs ; and knew that he was examining Meh'Lindi intimately , yet at the same time he was n't .
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