Example sentences of "thing to do [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's really not the thing to do as a career .
2 Overall that would be the right thing to do as the story of Rosandra , a model who gets caught up in three ponderous political intrigues , is very laboured indeed .
3 Yeah well it 's not really the wisest thing to do on a Thursday night anyway
4 The best thing to do with a 24v Land Rover is a compromise .
5 Is n't this the best thing to do with a lock them in their office ?
6 Ah well cos I think the newer one will be this is some government thing to do with the gas .
7 I I think the best thing to do with the flutes is to put them along with the first
8 It 's all a load of bull shit basically , it seems , it seems that the para 's were certainly under fire , with nobody knows and erm , it does , the only thing that is blatantly clear , all these lying transferred by the para 's and they were like dragging them away and stuff and the only , there 's only one member that 's had any thing to do with the I R A that they can find out about , that 's one so at least nine were n't firing definitely , erm , three may of done or may not of done so it looks like the only thing that basic the same is looks like at least nine were innocent , you know its all right for
9 And they were both agreed that the thing to do with the club was to use it for their private purposes .
10 But there was also a growing disaffection among the younger poets and critics : he had ceased to be a poet and had become an institution , and the only thing to do with an institution is to attempt to pull it down .
11 Managing nicely seemed an odd thing to do at the north end of the Reach .
12 We may defensively claim that it was the right thing to do at the time .
13 I picked out a selection , deciding on even numbers only because it seemed like a sensible thing to do at the time .
14 It was a reasonable thing to do at the time as the fund was in surplus .
15 Is that a nice thing to do to a friend , eh ? ’
16 ‘ Is n't bottling rather a cruel thing to do to a spirit ? ’
17 It would be the obvious thing to do under the circumstances .
18 And I would have thought that that was a disgraceful thing to do in a public , in the council to a , a sample being brought up and they were afraid to look at it .
19 which is a sensible thing to do in a way .
20 This was quite the right thing to do in a coffee-bar in the King 's Road .
21 He asked me to try and get him a map but this was a difficult thing to do in a place the size of Fontanellato , where hardly anyone possessed even an atlas of the world .
22 ‘ The only thing to do in a crisis is to change people ’ .
23 That would be the proper thing to do in a student textbook .
24 For her , the dreadful underlying fear is that the space can never be filled : any such attempt would be futile , and so the best thing to do in the circumstances is to accept that the space exists , and to turn this fact to advantage .
25 I believe she was very young — just a little thing — but it must have seemed the best thing to do in the circumstances .
26 Of course , it had n't so far done anything of the kind , and he had to arrive at the best thing to do in the circumstances .
27 It 's a much more normal thing to do in the States . ’
28 ‘ There 's only one thing to do after an experience like that . ’
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