Example sentences of "perhaps because [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because I was involved with other things , perhaps because at that time I was still trying to find my feet as a bisexual and felt isolated by straight sisters and excluded by some Black lesbians .
2 There are those who have reservations about the value of choirs or other groups in worship , perhaps because of unhappy experience .
3 In North America they died out , perhaps because of unsuitable climate or habitat or both .
4 French critics seem to have taken Collard 's film to their hearts , perhaps because of Gallic admiration for the sheer dash of its heroes , whatever their private tastes .
5 The novel exercises considerable power over the reader , perhaps because of this duality , because , as Giovanni Raboni suggests in his Preface , it articulates two typical and basic forms of the narrative imagination , ‘ the claustrophobic fascination of imprisonment , exile ’ and ‘ the adventurous-picaresque fascination of the journey , of a search across hostile and uncertain spaces ’ ( Pazzi 1985 : x ) ; because of its capacity , to paraphrase Angelo Guglielmi , to tell a story of life while it is telling a story of death ( Guglielmi 1985 ) .
6 Perhaps because of this washing effect of urination , attempts to identify the infection in male contacts of women with TV are very often unsuccessful .
7 It you feel that it is , perhaps because of some injustice or a hurtful act , do something about it .
8 However , this seems to have largely failed , perhaps because of inferior purchasing power and because wholesalers must try to make their independent retailing members behave like variety multiples , using voluntary means .
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