Example sentences of "perhaps [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a question of horses for courses , finding the best route forward and adopting the practices to fit that rather than bulldozing your way through without perhaps realising the wider environment in which this needs to work , ’ says John Catford , director of the Health Promotion Authority for Wales and professor of health promotion at the University of Wales .
2 The flirting remains , perhaps to assure the sophisticated reader that Modernism has been absorbed and transcended , not merely ignored or forgotten .
3 Perhaps lent the final impetus necessary for successful reception by the proximity of the area of stimulus to that of cognition , this hair-pulling signal finally seemed to awaken Gavin to the perception that there might be something else going on in his immediate area other than the video , undeniably captivating though it was .
4 Rather like the systems employed by general practitioners , there are advantages and disadvantages to both methods , with patients perhaps preferring the former system and being prepared to put up with a long delay once in the clinic to a worried wait of two or three days .
5 A large quantity of Mozart 's music was published in that year , 1785 , perhaps reflecting the ever-growing demand from the newly affluent middle classes for music which they could buy and play at home .
6 So when we are thinking about helping bereaved people , instead of turning to emotional issues straightaway , we should perhaps consider the practical issues that the bereaved person is facing .
7 Growth follows the direction of the arrow — perhaps to meet the other half-span if this were truly a bridge .
8 This is a definition which , while perhaps satisfying the intellectual appetites of a few myopic geophysicists , and considerably more satisfying than that of the Pentagon , still bears little relation to reality .
9 The sudden release of many young into the savannah at the same time may perhaps swamp the waiting predators and thus constitute in itself a survival strategy .
10 Mid-layers perhaps provide the most versatility in the layering set-up , and these days the buzz-word is fleece , that warm and cuddly fabric which took over where fibre-pile left off .
11 Event 14 at Nottingham perhaps attracted the largest entry for the 14 and Under and 11 and Under age groups .
12 Had I had the receiver in my hand when some break in the conversation occurred at this point , I should have explained to you that it is in fact neither ; it is merely an examination of the various modes of thinking which the phrase implies — an examination which , in the tradition of British philosophical inquiry , seeks merely to study and perhaps oil the conceptual machinery and then to put it back more or less as it was .
13 Frederick planned to attack Lombardy from the east and west simultaneously , perhaps remembering the renowned pincer campaigns for which Charlemagne had been famous .
14 It is beyond chance that all of these species also happen to be animals ; plants , perhaps inhabiting the same regions as these animals , have disappeared without even the briefest of epitaphs .
15 It remains to be seen whether this aspect of TNC proposals will be sufficiently flexible to aid the transition of a section of the population who perhaps deserve the most attention in our common concern to raise levels of achievement and improve the quality of educational provision .
16 Had he never existed , it is probable that the Almoravid Moors , under their fanatical leader Yusuf , would have overrun a far greater area of central Spain — and perhaps prevented the gradual blurring of the two cultures which produced the later kingdoms of Moorish Spain and thereafter the great empire of the sixteenth century .
17 Morrissey takes interviews extremely seriously , perhaps over-analysing the final product .
18 This sense of age perhaps motivates the general unconcern for Frodo shown by the Shire , his unfair though unintended supplanting by the large and ‘ lordly ’ hobbits Merry and pippin , the rudeness or much-qualified respect shown to him by Sharkey 's men and Gaffer Gamgee too .
19 Further messages were clearly being transmitted , perhaps confirming the continued existence of the food supply , affirmation of being members of the same colony , and so on .
20 While perhaps improving the democratic process this redistricting procedure does mean that comparisons between electoral districts over time is difficult , since the boundaries of the units are not constant from one decade to the next .
21 As he puts it , with a certain dispassionate irony , in a letter of early 1870 : " I observe how my philosophical , moral and scholarly endeavours strive towards a single goal and that I may perhaps become the first philologist ever to achieve wholeness . "
22 That last , familiar , word was used by Nietzsche himself precisely in this context and at this time : " I observe how my philosophical , moral and scholarly endeavours strive towards a single goal and that I may perhaps become the first philologist ever to achieve wholeness . "
23 Lacking the ability perhaps to identify the chemical components in proper scientific vocabulary , the groups may exchange emotions , fears and hopes — and may then go on to decipher the chemical nomenclature together , if it proves to be necessary , and desirable that they do so .
24 ‘ If you 're free next week , we could perhaps see the new Cher film , ’ he suggested , as if unaware .
25 It was he who ended the war with Athens , or perhaps turned the hot war into a cold one ( because satraps continued to subvert Athenian-supported democracies in Anatolia ) : after the Persian recovery of Egypt in the 450s Athenian aggression against Persia was checked , except for a brief campaign in Cyprus at the end of the 450s .
26 Some Swiss wonder whether a family responsibility will perhaps work the other way , and he will stay on for the 1992 Olympics .
27 Some Swiss wonder whether a family responsibility will perhaps work the other way , and he will stay on for the 1992 Olympics .
28 If the Second World War is often regarded as the watershed of ‘ permissiveness ’ , then those with more educated tastes — who perhaps remember the precipitating crisis of the Public Order Act of 1936 and Mosley 's black shirts , or who might have read the descriptions of pre-war razor gangs in Graham Greene 's Brighton Rock — look back beyond the war before that , to the slumbering golden years of Edwardian England which is one of the most authoritative versions of the true location of the ‘ British way of life ’ .
29 As far as Mr Collier 's point er alternative policies concerned , I think listening to it and only half having perhaps digested the full implication , I think really as a matter of principle we 're not un unsympathetic to a lot of what what a lot of people are suggesting there .
30 John Locke perhaps set the classic pattern .
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