Example sentences of "both [prep] the political [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the suspicions which existed when the unit was set up , both about the political motivation for its creation and the likely effects of national monitoring on the curriculum , have been allayed ( if not entirely put to rest ) by the way in which the exercise has been carried out , by the sensitivities displayed by the monitoring teams , by the way in which groups of teachers up and down the country have been involved in the development , trialling and pre-testing of materials , and by the cool , impartial way in which the results have been presented .
2 The Communists were able to benefit from the war , both in the political Left and in the unions .
3 Both within the political wing of Labour and in outside groups within the broader labour movement an identifiable " Left " began to emerge as a major influence .
4 ( ii ) National liberation was thus a reaction both to the political domination of the Great Powers and to integration into a wider capitalist system ( the two were not always distinguishable ) .
5 Under Khrushchev , however , there was a reassessment , and Soviet policy from this time onwards began to seek links of all kinds with the developing nations both at the political level and through trade , investment , arms sales , the training of students and so forth .
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