Example sentences of "used [prep] the past [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Peat moorland , especially at low altitude , was used in the past for cultivation , normally potatoes but sometimes cereals .
2 Caves behind the houses used in the past for storage , cooking and as air raid shelters are now part of the museum .
3 Pewter with a high lead content unsuitably used in the past for food vessels ( ! ) .
4 Cos you have erm is normally four , four , sorry tenth and eleventh years in sixth formers , and they 've also got a subject choice section as well , which I have used in the past for ninth years and it wa , it just got them thinking about things in a completely different way from what we , they 've ever done
5 It would be used in the past as a sign that someone had died .
6 ‘ We have seen the option of ‘ further use ’ being used in the past as a gateway to all sorts of possible bad and environmentally unfriendly methods of disposal and we want that loophole closed ’ .
7 Exhibition area in foyer of the Centre , which has been well used in the past by CEDC , and which has the advantage of being open on Saturdays .
8 And intelligence reports suggest that the UDA now has a ‘ significant ’ quantity of powerful Czech-made Semtex explosive , used in the past by the IRA .
9 Many of Dalton 's circles had been used in the past in alchemy or pharmacy with one or more meanings , very different from that of one atom of a chemical element which Dalton meant them to represent .
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