Example sentences of "as far as [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As far as that went , he was quite satisfied with the status quo .
2 An approach described by Gup and Norwood ( 1982 ) may offer the basis of the method needed , even though they were not attempting to push their analysis as far as that implied here .
3 ‘ Not as far as 1 know .
4 All necessary and desirable directions for disposing of the proceedings should be given at the pre-trial review , and the parties should as far as practicable ask for all the directions they need at the pre-trial review , giving prior notice to all interested parties ( Ord 17 , rr 1 and 3 ) .
5 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
6 Terminology as far as possible conforms to that used by the Electronic Engineering Association and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in their software standards publications .
7 as far as possible avoid buying animal products such as coral , ivory , tortoiseshell , reptile skin shoes and handbags , fur coats and any fancy goods which contain any of these .
8 The second basic historical principle is that of discrimination in the use of force : that the use of weapons should be directed at military targets and should as far as possible avoid damage to the civilian population and buildings such as churches , museums , historic monuments and hospitals , as well as neutral states and their nationals .
9 You may need to help residents dress , bath or use the toilet , but as far as possible help them to be independent .
10 The SATs , it was argued , should be integrated into the curriculum as far as possible using a wide variety of practical tasks and observations .
11 The administration of these services is decentralised as far as possible to conform with these areas in more accessible mini-town halls .
12 Craft or small-scale industries should as far as possible exploit local materials and have a high value added that can be retained by the producer .
13 His aim in this was as far as possible to translate changes of tones into changes of colour , feeling that only by this method could the full saturation and pressure of colour be realized .
14 Integrated rural development advocates the promotion of community-led initiatives , geared to the needs of specific target groups in the rural population and as far as possible utilising indigenous resources to meet those needs .
15 We try as far as possible to relate the work we do in the Technical Department to what goes on in industry and commerce .
16 I shall try as far as possible to discuss matters of principle rather than of particular detail .
17 In particular it wanted to ensure that British nuclear thinking , planning , targeting and developments as a whole evolved along lines which were compatible with and were harnessed as far as possible to fit in with its own requirements .
18 This approach is difficult to reconcile with the principle of supremacy of Community law and would not seem to be the correct way to apply the principle of indirect effect the duty of the national courts to interpret national law as far as possible to bring it into line with Community obligations .
19 In the three weeks since , Theda had tried as far as possible to keep her so .
20 As you do so , try as far as possible to keep to the basic sense of the passage .
21 In our first Report we tried as far as possible to avoid the word ‘ grammar ’ , and to explain how important it was for children to use linguistic terminology .
22 The object sought is an ever more accurate understanding of Community legal texts and an interpretation which as far as possible ensures harmony between national and Community provisions .
23 Government accepted responsibility for keeping aggregate monetary demand at a level sufficient to ensure full employment or what was considered as far as possible to constitute full employment ( an unemployment rate of 1% or 2% was considered acceptable ) , and the annual Budget was to be used as the main instrument of economic policy .
24 She herself was British , in fact , but having spent several years as a graduate student in California , where she had been converted to radical feminism , she now thought of herself as spiritually an American , and tried as far as possible to speak like one .
25 For the individualist , the central task is to understand individuals as agents , and thus as far as possible to understand the social world as the outcome of options and choices taken and made by particular actors .
26 The tunnel is designed as far as possible to stay within the chalk marl but the alignment is constrained by the geometric requirements of a high speed railway including a minimum horizontal curvature of 4,200m and a maximum gradient of just under 1% .
27 Some directors were of course friends of administration , and used their powers of patronage as far as possible to supplement the efforts of government , but others , and notably the Elphinstone family , used their Indian patronage to sustain an opposition to Henry Dundas in Scotland .
28 With the Malayan campaign and three tours in Northern Ireland behind him , Skinner knew just what the Army 's requirements were , and as far as possible ensured they were met .
29 The oppressive regime I had anticipated was not apparent and the whole complex seemed clean , active and designed as far as possible to provide reasonable conditions and amenities for its inmates .
30 Data archives have a vital role to play in ensuring that documentation is produced which , as far as possible satisfies user requirements .
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