Example sentences of "went along [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We went along with the council recommendations throughout .
2 In , in Britain the unions accepted the idea and went along with the legislation .
3 Yes , in the sense that she was not a person who just reacted and went along with the system , but was prepared to be independent and assess situations for herself .
4 Then , after dealing with the Grand Slam Cup and explaining how he only went along with the idea after insisting that the event would also produce $2m for the development of the game in ‘ third world tennis countries , he went on :
5 FC Copenhagen went along with the idea ; Denmark will also have live matches on Wednesday so the new date suits them too .
6 There are clear signs that senior officials , such as Burke Trend , William Armstrong and Ian Bancroft , involved in drafting the 1970 White Paper went along with the Heath analysis .
7 Mr Onanuga , 31 , has told friends he naively went along with the story because Mr Newton believed it was good publicity for Thresher and his own branch , and he did not see how it could harm anyone .
8 He also went along with the Bowlby theory to the extent of discouraging mothers from working : ‘ the extra money she might earn or the satisfaction she might receive is not so important after all . ’
9 The Doctor 's response gave the poet no confidence , but choice was limited ; he either went along with the Doctor or he remained behind .
10 They went along with the feeling that Tony should have a non-residential supervision order but strongly recommended that he should change his school .
11 When he first advocated these ideas Hare largely went along with the view of most attitudinists that a correct account of the meaning of ethical language has no definite implications as to what moral views one should take .
12 I went along to the surgery of Rother Valley MP Peter Hardy , who was resident in one of the safest Labour seats in the country , and despite all that had gone before he was able to say , ‘ This has nothing to do with the people around here — it all happens in London ’ .
13 Thinking about this one morning in 1954 , I went along to the keeper of the laboratory chemical stores and asked him for something which was water-soluble and formed needle crystals .
14 Dot got up and went along to the kitchen for Mrs Parvis 's High Tea .
15 Athelstan shook himself , dressed , and went along to the kitchen to beg from a startled maid a bowl of hot water , a clean napkin and some salt with which to scrub his teeth .
16 Juliet went along to the kitchen where the kettle was usually boiling .
17 I went along to the dining car where I found that Zak had already positioned some of the actors at the tables for the cocktail-hour double-length scene .
18 I changed into Tommy 's uniform in my roomette and went along to the dining car where Emil , Oliver and Cathy welcomed me casually as if I were an accepted part of the crew .
19 Instead she had lunch in the dining-room and went along to the hospital library .
20 ‘ Still — ’ murmured Juliet , and they went along to the haematology department .
21 We went along to the auction rooms this morning .
22 He went along to the study and opened his desk .
23 One enterprising young man gathered 60 ration books into his brief-case and persuaded an RCAF pilot , due for a recognizance flight that day , to fly him several hundred miles across the provincial border to Atlin , B.C. At the friendly invitation of those concerned I went along for the ride and helped my energetic friends load five cases of Johnny Walker , which we transported back to Whitehorse well in time for a Saturday night party .
24 People from the upper classes were getting on the move , and photography often went along for the ride .
25 People from the upper classes were getting on the move , and photography often went along for the ride .
26 I went along for the ride ; Mrs Goreng needed moral support and a straight guy to conduct an emergency dialogue with , if the need arose .
27 In my own defence I can say only that I went along for the ride , as it were , if you 'll forgive the expression , Mr Milton . ’
28 But he went along for the ride , hoping he could put his spoke in and cancel the idea .
29 I knew there were other bags of cubes in the kitchen refrigerator , so , feeling that I had been walking the train for a lifetime , I went along through the dining room to fetch some .
30 The cart went along by the garden wall , and round to the back door .
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