Example sentences of "went [prep] the [adj] court " in BNC.

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1 A comparable recent conservation cause which went through the High Court and all the way to the Lords was an argument over navigational rights on the river Derwent .
2 I shall return to this point later , but must first record how matters went in the Divisional Court , omitting for present purposes any reference to an alternative ground of relief concerning the Director 's refusal to wait whilst the applicant pursued his application for legal aid , which failed in the Divisional Court and was not renewed on appeal .
3 The six condemned to death , with another six who were sentenced to life imprisonment , went to the Supreme Court , whose five judges unanimously dismissed their appeals .
4 The case went to the Supreme Court , which found against Rory Finegan at the end of July 1979 .
5 The issue went to the International Court at The Hague in 1973 , but France said it did not recognise the court 's jurisdiction in the matter .
6 Their case began in an industrial tribunal in 1986 , went to the European Court and was finally ruled on in April 1991 .
7 Miss Marshall complained of unlawful sex discrimination and her case went to the European Court of Justice where it was decided that she had been the subject of such unlawful discrimination .
8 Mark Rees went to the European Court of Human Rights to get his birth certificate altered to read ’ boy ’ instead of ’ girl ’ .
9 the state of the premium trust funds , these are the sorts of consideration one would need to take into account , er a no doubt they would , they 'd need to be argued fully at a , at a later stage , but the only question here is , if your Lordship refers and there 's going to be some delay , well , erm , I was trying to think of an analogous case er and the case which went to the European court at the beginning of last year had consequences which were potentially far more profound than this case is , it was the Case concerned the application of equal pay principles to pensions
10 After a short interregnum in which appeals went to the Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division , the EAT was established to hear appeals on points of law from industrial tribunals .
11 Spicers went to the High Court claiming the request was oppressive : it relied on Cloverbay , an earlier case in which the availability of an order was restricted to enabling an administrator to get ‘ sufficient information to reconstitute the state of the knowledge a company should possess ’ .
12 A DUBLIN city councillor went to the High Court today to try to prevent explicit advertisements advocating the use of condoms being shown on the Republic 's national television service .
13 The Committee of Management took the advice and went to the High Court and as a result the proposal was stopped .
14 So they went to the High Court to challenge the decision and have been given leave to seek a judicial review .
15 When I went to the Royal Courts of Justice , the judge knew what he was going to give me , and I got three years ' probation , on condition that I stay at the hostel for a year and that I attend a day centre .
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