Example sentences of "most commonly [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It appears to favour grouping on city pavements outside office blocks and is most commonly seen around mid-morning or between 12 noon and 2pm .
2 This is the approach most commonly discussed in restraint of trade cases .
3 Our hypothesis is that specialised type CLO predisposes to the development of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus because of increased proliferative activity and that tumour development occurs in patients exposed to an environmental carcinogen most commonly ingested in cigarette smoke .
4 The isotope most commonly used for measurement of colonic transit is 9 9 m Tc-DTPA in liquid form , or it may also be incorporated into ispaghula husk to simulate the physical properties of faeces more closely .
5 The type of copper pipe most commonly used in plumbing is not easy to bend by hand .
6 Although during Roman times bronze and marble were the materials most commonly used in sculpture , the tradition of reproducing the human form in ivory was continued in the small scale reliefs carved on the backs of the writing tablets which served as official presents in pagan antiquity and as votive offerings in the early Christian church .
7 It is the one most commonly used in stage hypnotism , and the fact that it is beyond the reach of many explains why the stage hypnotist ends up by working with about ten people out of as many as sixty volunteers .
8 Of these four , the West African species is the most commonly offered for sale .
9 Lung cancer is the cancer most commonly associated with smoking .
10 Arminianism had also been adopted by a small group of clerics within the Jacobean church who , as well as questioning the doctrinal basis of Calvinism , had sought to reintroduce into church worship certain decorational features and ceremonies most commonly associated with Catholicism .
11 Blackouts are described in extreme cases of overeating binges or starvation even though this feature is most commonly associated with alcohol .
12 Labouring poets who attempted a realistic description of work and social conditions helped to create a new literary response to social reality , a development most commonly associated with Goldsmith , Langhorne , Blake , Crabbe , and eventually Wordsworth .
13 Severe , sometimes fatal , hepatitis has been most commonly reported in association iwth the use of diclofenac and sulindac , Although fatalities have also been reported with the use of naproxen and indomethacin .
14 Oblique divergence is most commonly accommodated by transform offsets along a mid-oceanic ridge crest , while oblique convergence is resolved by the complex adjustment of lithospheric fragments along the plate boundary .
15 ( f ) Improvements A rent geared to subrents is most commonly found in building leases .
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