Example sentences of "'ll see [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 If you watch the start or the first few miles , you 'll see a mass of humanity moving along at a snail 's pace .
2 Inside the computer if you open up the computer you see these little chips , silicon chips they 're about a centimetre perhaps in length and you 'll see a row of , nine or ten of them , that 's physically what the memory is .
3 You 'll , you 'll see , I 'm talking to the Three-Nineties , er you 'll see a bit of a change since you were here before .
4 The bell tower is the highest building in the city , and from there you 'll see a carpet of red-roofed houses rolled out below you .
5 Look along the rows of machinery at any farm show and you 'll see a lot of professionally-made equipment .
6 ‘ I 'ope — hope — we 'll see a lot of each other , Miss O'Brien .
7 Erm you 'll see a lot of them like this .
8 You 'll see a lot of guff written about PC performance , almost everywhere you look .
9 I think we 'll see a lot of this the second half .
10 I think we 'll see a lot of that this half now the ball up and Rozario winning his share of flick on headers .
11 Certainly was , as I say I do n't think you 'll see a lot of , better lot of colour than that
12 No , I do n't get bored at all with it , er because snooker is not er like American pool , where you go out there with a stick and just knock balls all over the table ; snooker is snooker , and the name of snooker is to play this , you know , this game of chess on the green baize , and er that 's what , you see this is where Davis has been so good for so long , a ) he 's a supreme professional , he once apologised for only practising for two hours on Christmas Day rather than four , er and if you look at Davis ' score sheets and his matches , which I 've done over the years , you 'll see a lot of breaks of around sort of fifty five , sixty , sixty five , and then he stops , he plays the safety shot and says to his opponent ‘ okay , your turn ’ , plays the percentage game , the occasional knock in the very big ones , but that 's why he 's won so much , because he thinks it out so well , and knows the averages , knows the percentages and plays the game that way .
13 Obviously , we that right , people will still move if unemployment 's high , but if you try , if the government tries and gets rid of unem urban unemployment , say people have moved because of it , so there 's unemployment there to start with because of the reasons we 've discussed earlier , so then the government said okay , well let's get rid of the unemployment that has occurred already , by erm , either , at the same wage rate trying to well yes , the same , they 'll keep wage rates the same , but erm , increase , you know , make the public sector bigger or , or do something to create urban jobs , and basically all it will do is , encourage more migrants because they 'll see the probability of getting a job will increase so the expected wage will increase so you 'll get migration on top of what 's already occurring .
14 ‘ Okay , I 'll see the thief of Baghdad for you .
15 You 'll see the superstars of the World Wrestling Federation — including Macho Man Randy Savage , Bret Hitman Hart and Legion of Doom — in terrifying action .
16 It costs eighty five p , and you can get it from any of the H M S O — Her Majesty 's Stationery Office — or you could order it , I should think , from most bookshops , and that 'll give you a pretty good overview of what Warnock is trying to do , and then , of course if anybody 's interested enough in comparing that with the Act , you 'll see the kind of things that were in the Warnock Report have n't actually come through in the act .
17 But Social Services hope they 'll see the advantages of doing so .
18 Let him take a knife , and I 'll see the colour of his inside ! ’
19 If you look east , in the distance you 'll see the peaks of Aran Benllen and Aran Fawddwy .
20 Once you give the matter some thought , you 'll see the fitness of it .
21 ‘ Naturally , we hope you 'll see the wisdom of taking such a step .
22 Erm if you 'd like to look behind the hangar you 'll see the sort of thing we 're up against .
23 Oh , she misses him , yes , but she 's better off without him , and she 'll see the truth of that before too long .
24 I 'm totally institutionalised and no doubt erm you 'll see the truth of that if and when , if and when the Jocklyn report comes before this house .
25 You take a good look inside your heart and you 'll see the image of the boss . ’
26 To take a quick look now at the current conditions and in fact you 'll see the extension of gas prices , rig counts etcetera into this year on the charts that you 'll be given with a pack after this meeting .
27 The Transport and General Workers Union claim it 'll see the loss of two hundred thousand jobs and many backbench MPs are also concerned about the effects of the cuts .
28 And they stormed it , it 's built up on a high , you 'll see the photo of it when , where it and they protected , there 's a film about it , where the erm
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