Example sentences of "might be forgive for think " in BNC.

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1 One might be forgiven for thinking that the bishops ’ letter had something to do with it and that Haughey was intent on constructing an alliance between those heeding the teaching of the hierarchy and the party faithful .
2 Naturally the glorious weather was a talking point with the General : he might be forgiven for thinking the Micks were a bit blasé about the temperature and the change of scene from London ceremonial duties .
3 Cynical readers might be forgiven for thinking that concentrating on the minutiae of standards is a convenient way of avoiding the subject of how the industry is faring in a depressed market — but they would be wrong .
4 You might be forgiven for thinking that the absorption of a stimulant would make you better able to function mentally — but in fact this is far from the truth .
5 Given all of the above , you might be forgiven for thinking that tennis and fitness are somewhat secondary to the social aspects of the club .
6 On reading many accounts of evolution one might be forgiven for thinking that its purpose was to produce us , the species Homo sapiens sapiens , in a rerun of the biblical account of creation with the agency of God replaced by the blind force of natural selection .
7 From reading such reports one might be forgiven for thinking that the football terraces ran deep with blood each Saturday and that fans of Manchester United , like Protestants in parts of rural Spain , really do have horns on their heads .
8 You might be forgiven for thinking that I see an ideal speaker-hearer as someone who relies on everyone else to complete his conversational turns , never finishes a sentence , speaks very quickly and often with his mouth full , never answers questions , always repeats himself , says nothing without hedging , and invariably forgets what he wants to say — but who survives , if only by ending his utterance with a triumphant whatchamacallit .
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