Example sentences of "must [adv] [verb] account [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is this complexity that the study of social policy must somehow take account of .
2 I think that without these basic reactions art could not exist , but one can not explain art wholly in terms of these reactions ; one must also take account of our self-denials .
3 In order properly to analyse the performance of the firm , we must also take account of these considerations .
4 This overall model of Modular Course evaluation has to be definable within the framework of measurement theory and good evaluation practice ; but it must also take account of the needs and distinctive features of the Modular Course .
5 The complete model must also take account of the voltages induced in the phase winding by rotor motion .
6 Much though I understand the worries expressed by residents of the district to be served by the hospital , one must also take account of the basis of their concern , and the misinformation which has caused their alarm .
7 Furthermore , it is crucial that those already in the profession — whether students , auxiliaries , enrolled , registered or specialist nurses — have the opportunity to seek the nursing career that they desire through adequate educational facilities , which must also take account of developments such as nurse prescribing and nurse practitioners .
8 It must also take account of : ( 1 ) the market position and economic and financial strength of the parties to the merger ; ( 2 ) the availability of alternative products ; ( 3 ) barriers to entry ; ( 4 ) the interests of consumers ; and ( 5 ) the development of technical and economic progress as long as it is to consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition .
9 Once a company is insolvent , or in danger of becoming so , the directors must also take account of the creditors ' interests .
10 However , the terms will be used by the drafter 's business client ; they must therefore satisfy the client 's commercial , as well as legal , objectives , and the drafter must therefore take account of those objectives at each stage of drafting .
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