Example sentences of "should be remove from the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have not for a moment suggested that children should be removed from the care of their parents .
2 He later declared that the Union Jack should be removed from the Australian flag .
3 These sprouting rhizomes should be removed from the parent plants and transplanted .
4 once the spawning is complete the female must get out of the male 's way and should be removed from the breeding tank , otherwise she may be harried to the point of being killed .
5 That is perhaps why he was still sensitive about his public reputation — an essay in Twentieth Century on him by Edward Dahlberg , and a book by Northrop Frye , both incurred his displeasure ; he insisted also that certain lines about his alleged anti-semitism should be removed from the preface to Wyndham Lewis 's selected letters .
6 Mice are weaned at approximately 3 weeks of age and should be removed from the breeding cage before the birth of the subsequent litter .
7 He also held that the transfer was not void but voidable and ordered that the names of C. and D. should be removed from the proprietership register and the defendant 's name substituted ; but he refused to order rectification of the charges register section 82 of the Act of 1925 by removal of the building society 's charge .
8 They were to be renamed Colleges of Education ; a new degree , to be called Bachelor of Education and validated by the universities , would be introduced for their more able students ; they should be removed from the public sector and closely linked with the universities ; and some of them should become universities in their own right .
9 He informed Papandreou that ‘ we share your view that these bases , in accordance with the Greek people 's unanimous demand , should be removed from the country ’ .
10 The amendments provided in particular ( i ) that the word " Socialist " should be removed from the Croatian republic 's name , leaving it as the Republic of Croatia , and that a new flag and coat of arms should be devised ; ( ii ) that the Cyrillic alphabet , still the main medium for the 600,000 Serbs in Croatia ( 4.5 per cent of the republic 's population ) , should be derecognized for most purposes , except in those areas where a majority still used it ; and ( iii ) that the presidency of the republic should be replaced by a new system involving a president and six vice-presidents , while the executive council of the republic should be redesignated as its government .
11 However , early on Dec. 11 , in what was described by the Financial Times of Dec. 12 as an " astonishing compromise " , EC leaders agreed that the entire chapter on social policy should be removed from the union treaty .
12 The screens should be removed from the reception desk to make it more friendly and less like a bank .
13 Museum chiefs say the marble statue should be removed from the portico of the gallery and replaced by a replica .
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