Example sentences of "should go [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If , despite such investigation , you are still left with two suspects , then you should go through the disciplinary procedure with both of them , including interviewing both , giving an opportunity for one to own up , etc .
2 The criterion was that , if a particular business was essentially pan-European from a production standpoint , it should go into the new grouping .
3 ‘ You should go down the High Street , ’ said Constance .
4 Speaking to the university 's general council , Sir David said that the information should go beyond the straightforward information on the regularity of attendance at debates and the quality of members ' speeches .
5 To extend the use of numeric pagers , each number can indicate a pre-determined action , for example that the employee should go to a certain area or undertake a particular task .
6 ‘ You should go to a good stylist once in a while and have that mane tamed ! ’
7 I was told I should go to a convalescent home to complete my recovery .
8 Himself the child of Jewish refugees , Cantor insisted that all proceeds from his tour should go to a special fund to support the re-emigration of young Jewish refugees to Palestine .
9 I 've taken someone this afternoon from Highdown just until the half term when they should go to a special school .
10 A force was raised , an expedition was organized — but Balboa , it was ordered , should not be its commander ; that task should go to a bitter rival , Pedro Arias Dávila .
11 We believe that that should go to the lowest level .
12 You should go to the black baths .
13 He had supported Pennethorne 's design because it was the cheapest and did not encroach on the park , but if they abandoned that design they were bound to take the first prize design , ‘ but as there was some difficulty about that ’ , it should go to the second prize-winners .
14 Jobs should go to the young , single people who really need them , not the married mums whose children need them .
15 There are some small displays of fine examples of 18C glass and other decorative arts but those who are particularly interested in this field should go to the Decorative Arts Museum ( p. 120 ) .
16 Trying to work out whether I should go to the Electric Ballroom tomorrow or go to a pub or something .
17 Two of Charlemagne 's leading magnates , Roland and Guenelon ( or Ganelon ) , have fallen out , and Roland suggests that Guenelon should go to the Saracen court to discuss terms with the Muslims ; treachery is suspected , and the embassy is regarded as very dangerous .
18 The supporters of the primary school teacher should go to the northern half of the pitch ; those of the professor , to the southern half .
19 He should go to the public source and get it : or , at any rate , not be in a better position than if he had gone to the public source .
20 The woman had promised the youngest child that she should go to the fair , but she must go when it suited her mother .
21 Nobody had wanted to play the Crusader , and so it was almost inevitable that the job should go to the Bosnian refugee .
22 They should go to the Royal Bank of Scotland , which has a branch in Head Street , Colchester , and fill out a pay slip for account number 11386303 , quoting their team reference number .
23 Returns requests should go to the originating invoicing address .
24 It was a large , impressive house , and he wondered if he should go to the back door , as Tess was probably a servant here .
25 Well they had er , they had all that this morning , they should go for a little while .
26 ‘ I think the same should go for the Scots race , too . ’
27 Now what kind of words do you think should go on a front page if you 're dealing
28 And , says Bobbie Jones , another defeated Tory , ‘ the cabinet should go on a public-relations course .
29 Even the modest recommendation that a member of the department should go on the Active Tutorial course had not been acted upon .
30 Erm , that should go at the very front of your binder , if you really want to keep that information in your binder .
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