Example sentences of "may result [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A paper-thin shell of sound wood is left on the surface of the infected timber which shows deep cracks along the grain but rarely across it as may result from dry rot .
2 The low birthweight may be caused by external factors , such as smoking during pregnancy ; premature babies , which may result from insufficient standards of antenatal care , will be highly prone to early infection .
3 Also vulnerable are families under great stress , which may result from financial difficulties , marital discord , social isolation , or poor health .
4 For example , while heating of the lithosphere may account for uplift , subsidence may result from lithospheric cooling .
5 As Herman explains , ‘ [ c ] ollective action may result from structural ties between firms that integrate their interest and facilitate coordination between them — such as a common ownership interest — or it may arise out of a recognized common interest or mutual business interdependence with minimal personal contact and communications among the companies and their officials .
6 Improved splanchnic and hepatic perfusion may result from enhanced blood volume .
7 These highly restricted distribution patterns may result from unusual patterns of behaviour or even physiological differences between males and females that somehow affect the growth of these fungi ; but the precise mechanisms behind this extreme specificity remain unclear .
8 Although the origin of this discrepancy is unknown , a nonmetallic ( T ) may result from incomplete doping or an impure host crystal .
9 Separation may result from clinical depression and , therefore , it may aggravate or maintain a pre-existing depressive condition …
10 They can be very useful , especially for those with chronic conditions , and for the elderly where a mix of medicines may result in undesirable side-effects .
11 For example , poor eyesight ( an impairment ) may result in poor vision ( a disability ) which might result in the person failing to gain employment ( handicap ) .
12 Nevertheless , sex is n't just a matter of the body and recent emphasis on the successes of Masters and Johnson type techniques , 8 may result in incautious application of their techniques by the unknowledgeable .
13 Records in all media are subject to the disruption or destruction of provenance that can result , but perhaps electronic records are particularly vulnerable as a change in organisation may result in automatic change of office systems which may or may not be compatible in differing ways with the system which created the record .
14 This may result in mental handicap .
15 This may result in increased sodium reabsorption with subsequent increased exchangeable body sodium ( De Chatel et al , 1977 ) .
16 As Furth ( 1982 ) points out , this may result in increased status differentiation within higher education between subjects or institutions ; it may also affect the ‘ hidden ’ curriculum of assumed values , perspectives and relationships ( Becker et al .
17 The life of a business or operation may also be at risk for few industries have such a strong and demanding legal code where failure to comply may result in immediate closure or prosecution .
18 Furthermore , in patients with a genetic disposition or pathological alterations characterised by a reduced aldehyde dehydrogenase activity the repeated alcohol intake , through the mechanism here described , may result in bronchial hyperresponsiveness and haemodynamic alterations .
19 These data suggest that post transplant HBV infection is accompanied by a variety of changes in the liver allograft , some of which are unique to the transplanted liver and may result in impaired allograft function .
20 I say that this type of equipment is necessary because until we can be sure all major rockets and missiles have gone , there will always be a chance of such offensive capabilities ‘ falling into the wrong hands ’ and that may result in terrible consequences .
21 He went on : ‘ Companies have warned that this trend , if it continues , may result in revised production schedules .
22 However , undue pressure may result in actual distress for some pupils and , much more likely , a general rejection of the program by the class .
23 In addition the loud cries of harem males probably alert others to the presence of non-reproductive males and this may result in collaborative defence in driving them away .
24 For example , a literal translation by someone not familiar with its deeper cultural meaning may result in serious mistakes .
25 There is some evidence that low salinities induced by freshwater may result in physiological damage to corals .
26 Thus a flow of funds into trusts ' shares , pushing up their price , may result in new issues and a flow of additional funds into the trust itself .
27 A recent pilot competition for the International Foundation for Computer-based Education in Banking and Finance may result in future use of the Banking Game by IFCEB members .
28 If this is not the case then the decision-making information system 's recommendations may result in considerable problems if recommendations are consistently vetoed .
29 Every care should be exercised in reconstruction , for inferior work may result in considerable distortion .
30 He demonstrated that pervasive ( or non-seam ) solution compaction may result in considerable reductions in thickness ( commonly up to 50% and more , rarely as much as 80% ) of finely crystalline carbonate units .
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