Example sentences of "back [prep] the kitchen [coord] " in BNC.

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1 She came back through the kitchen and gave him the torch .
2 She held up her hand to him to say , " Wait while I see if it 's safe , " and darted back through the kitchen and into the house , listening in the big hall where suits of dull metal armour stood mutely by the heavy oak doors .
3 She ran back through the kitchen and down the steps into the lower scullery , but when she came out by the back door and looked across to the wall , Tristram was not be seen .
4 They walked back through the kitchen and down the hallway to the front entrance of the house .
5 She turned back towards the kitchen and the dogs ' suppers .
6 She disappeared back into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later carrying a very dirty and dusty bottle of wine .
7 The zinc bath would soon be filled Charlie came back into the kitchen and was told the news .
8 She went back into the kitchen and ( she recalled this later with surprise ) , laid a cloth upon the table , set out plates , knives , forks , a wineglass , bread , butter , cheese , apples .
9 Then she walked back into the kitchen and soon heard the hard clatter of shoes on the stone stairs and Giovanna was upon her .
10 He went back into the kitchen and Alison unlocked the window , stepping out on to the clay-tiled terrace .
11 He strolled back into the kitchen and she glowered at his departing back .
12 Slowly she wandered back into the kitchen and started to unpack the boxful of food .
13 He crept back into the kitchen and made himself another cup of tea .
14 After coaxing her and turning on suggestive taps , Carolyn brought the pot back into the kitchen and left Annie knickerless .
15 Kate came back from the kitchen and the ghosts cringed back into their corners .
16 In her future , a big fundamentalist upsurge has stuck women back in the kitchen and the bedroom , turned their money into plastic and then taken that plastic away .
17 In the 1950s , anti-Communism and the ideology of the nuclear family combined to put women back in the kitchen and to launch a series of prosecutions of gay men which amounted to mass persecution .
18 when we went back in the kitchen and it 's hot but
19 Steam issuing out of her ears like a kettle , she went back to the kitchen and spun sugar with some gusto .
20 She went back to the kitchen and found Mrs Stocks there with her daughter , Nancy .
21 She watched him go back to the kitchen and when he had shut the living room door firmly , she sank down on the rug in front of the gas fire with her back propped against the armchair and sipped gloomily at the wine .
22 After another fond peep at his sleeping face , she crept out of the room , softly closed the door , and gathering up her skirt in order not to trip over the hem on the way down the stairs , swiftly retraced her steps back to the kitchen and Cissie .
23 Her forced smile still in place , she handed out the sheets , then went back to the kitchen and grabbed the pad and pencil that was thrust at her .
24 Hal hurried back to the kitchen and chatted to Joy on the odd encounter he had with his customers just then .
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