Example sentences of "down the dark [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He peered uneasily down the dark tunnel at the end of the platform and remembered something else from their past : Mother Bernie and her holes in the universe , the holes that let the Evil in .
2 ‘ Come on , come on ’ and then only the buzz of the chain free-wheeling and the rush of the air : and two stars , a red , a white , shooting down the dark tunnel of road between the hedges as the bike sped on .
3 I rushed down the dark passage to the lavatory with both hands at my face .
4 He stopped trembling as quickly as he had begun a moment before and seemed to withdraw down the dark passage to the daydream he was locked in when they first arrived .
5 He took them through the cavernous littered kitchen , where an old woman in a grey shawl was mixing something in a basin on the table , and down the dark passage to the studio .
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