Example sentences of "being carry [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to find someone to help Mrs Hobbs but as I went to the desk , she was already being carried through the door .
2 Wounded were being carried through the trees to the shelter of the farm buildings , the medics stopping from time to time to rest , then continued quickly on their way .
3 The results are quite accurate provided that care is taken to prevent small plant segments adhering to the belt and being carried past the sensor more than once .
4 We had a great sense of family responsibilities being carried into the work place .
5 He asked for a little restorative brandy , then saw a baker 's tray of delicious cakes being carried into the inn 's side-door .
6 He saw the hearse arrive and watched the two coffins being carried into the church .
7 The RSPCA has always been in favour of whips being carried for the reasons outlined by Luhnenschloss , but its assistant chief veterinary officer , Alastair Mews , said : ‘ Future decisions can no longer be left to tradition , habit , or hearsay but must be based on good science .
8 As we parked the car we saw someone being carried off the path into an ambulance — the attendant was n't kidding .
10 Two armed men had jumped from a car as the money was being carried towards the bank .
11 She describes how a porpoise appeared and guided her so that she was being carried with the tide , and then helped her to a section of shallow water .
12 Shortage of iron makes people breathless , get tired very easily , the reason being that there is not enough oxygen being carried round the blood .
13 A fluid particle with positive v is being carried by the turbulence in the positive y-direction .
14 Twenty paces or so beyond the shed the road twisted out of sight , and it was from that direction the smell of burning was being carried by the breeze .
15 There may well have been others on other parts of the island , but unfortunately the heavy curtain of dust and fumes being carried by the wind prevented him getting right round .
16 And this would vindicate those who believe that the market 's ills are not going to be solved by tinkering with new issue processes , but rather by a drastic cutback in the overheads — ie , sacking people — being carried by the industry .
17 The flag-draped coffin of Musician Richard ‘ Taff ’ Jones , 27 , one of the 10 Royal Marines bandsmen killed by IRA bombers at Deal , Kent , being carried from the barracks church , St Michael and All Angels , after a joint funeral service for him and Musician Bob Simmonds , 34 .
18 It is found in the intermuscular connective tissue of the thorax and back , the eggs being carried in the bloodstream to the lungs , where they hatch and are coughed up and swallowed .
19 the passengers are not being carried in the course of a business of carrying passengers
20 the passengers are not being carried in the course of a business of carrying passengers
21 the passengers are not being carried in the course of a business of carrying passengers
22 the passengers are not being carried in the course of a business of carrying passengers
23 Penelope saw it being carried in the hand , stiff and furry at one end like a kind of African fly switch .
24 Elstob , 23 , admitted being carried in the car .
25 The outcome , however , was unchanged ; the compromise clause meeting the same fate as the amendment suspending the death penalty , being carried in the Commons , but again defeated in the Lords .
26 In the work of Cézanne , where the outlines of objects are stressed again and again , and then as often broken , the eye , while conscious of the limitations of normal vision , has the sensation of being carried around the object beyond its boundaries .
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